Just Jenny Show Recap
Tuesday August 14, 2012
Jenny is aware of the shooting that happened in Texas, but is sick of talking about shootings, because they are so depressing and they keep happening. She says gun control is a major issue and that it shouldn’t be so easy to get a gun .
She changes the subject to Reality TV. She says she would maybe do ia reality TV show if she had a lot of control over it from the beginning.
She brings up the new reality TV show, “Abbey and Brittany” about conjoined twins. Jenny disagrees that the show says the twins can live two totally different lives because they’re attached…. The show airs Tuesday at 10 on TLC. Jenny is going to watch it but doesn’t want to watch it.
Listeners, are you going to watch this?
She talks about another new reality show, “Here comes Honey BooBoo” also on TLC.
She asks listener to call in and tell her if they’re going to watch these shows or not and they do.
She talks about an email that she got from a listener who she named Lisa. Lisa sent Jenny an email asking for advice. She is upset about the way that her husband treated their 20th wedding anniversary.
Listeners call in and say if Lisa should be upset and why/ why not.
Jenny says men are not great gift givers and that she almost doesn’t really blame him for just getting her a card.
Jenny thinks she should say something to him to get it off of her chest and says it’s always worse if you let an issue sit/ bother you and not say anything.
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