It’s Weight Wednesday!!!
David Kirsch is in studio!!
“Fitness Expert. Nutrition Advocate. Wellness Guru. Firm believer that any transformation begins in the mind then manifests itself in every other area of life.”
Go to: https://davidkirschwellness.
Follow him on Twitter: @DavidKirsch
David started doing what he does after he struggled with his weight and fitness in the past. He says that he wasn’t physically or mentally healthy and then everything changed.
He and Jenny talk about the “letting go” that they both went through when they started making changes because they were uncomfortable with their bodies. They say how it takes a certain drive to make a change.
David says it’s also about being mindful of everything that you do. It is what food you choose to put in your mouth when you wake up as well as the exercises that you do.
He says that the women that he trains are more disciplined than the men that he trains.
Jenny agrees that it’s all about effort.
They discuss weighing yourself. Jenny says how she needs to weigh herself and he tells her to throw away the scale.
They say how what you wear is a big factor in knowing your comfortable weight.
He says breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Listeners call in with questions for David about food/exercise and he gives them advice what to have for breakfast, different kinds of exercises, keeping your kids healthy, getting rid of a belly at different ages, dairy and why it’s bad for you and more!
He has David’s list of ABCs, which is foods/drinks you should avoid to lose weight.
He says not to care so much about calories, but about the quality of the calories.
They give away his books to listeners!
Marsha from Massachusetts won “The Butt Book”
Eileen from Florida won “The Ultimate New York Diet”
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