hi everyone!
i am trying so hard to make it a wonderful super bowl sunday for keithy- he asked me to be a "traditional" wife just for today so i made the green sauce that alexis blogged, keithy made guacamole (which was scrumptious), i made rice and beans, i made chicken meatballs, i cut up fresh veggies (cucumber and red pepper yum) i bought every chip keithy could want, i baked cookies, i made the beds, i cleaned the house, i did the laundry.
keithy came home from taking our son to hockey and….
1. the green sauce i made was a complete failure. keithy tasted it and actually SPIT IT OUT. it was bitter and gross. i had to make it again and although i think the second batch was delicious, my darling husband HATED it…and had the nerve to say "i bet if alexis made it it would have been yummy" ( i mean he’s probably right but WHATEVER).
2. i am trying to blog while keith insists on staring at me while i type…NO JOKE…staring at me.. oh and he just burped. UGH!’
3. oh and just now, i had to fight off his biting my neck…NOT KIDDING.
we were supposed to stay home for the super bowl but now are going to someone’s party so keithy will have to eat the dips, the chips, the rice and beans, the guacamole, and anything else we have here before hand…because i have worked too hard for it to not get eaten.
pictures may follow if i can get keithy out of the bed early enough to get him to eat while i snap a few photos before we go to the party.
sounds like your disposal will be working overtime.
any idea when you and alexis will be on martha’s show?
Why try to be an ordinary traditional wife, you are so much more. Maybe Alexis would make a better green sauce, but she’s not nearly as sweet and lovable as you, so there!
Our family is staying home and loving every minute of it. Price was fantastic!
It is too bad you had to go to the party.
Sounds just like super bowl at my place. Loads of uneaten food, gross noises I didnt know could come from the male body, yelling, jumping up and down, do I get a thank you for trying to make this testosterone evening perfect? Noperoonie! So annoying!
Jenn, your son plays hockey? How fantastic!!! I have skated and played for my whole life. It’s the best sport EVER!!!!
My husband was similar to Keithy. We had similar food. My husband made it all. It was wonderful.
Hope you had a fun day. You’re so cute!
Sara, quit complaining! Jenny Hutt did all she did and didn’t complain!
Men are so unappreciative! I cooked and cleaned all day yesterday while “lazy ass” lounged on the couch all day. Then, he had the nerve to tell me that I was annoying him! Jeez! No thank you for washing his clothes and making dinner AND dessert. Then, he says, “I WAS gonna say thank you, but you were too busy talking”. Yeah, sure, easy way out. *Sighs*
Jennifer – I made the green sauce yesterday too – and mine was also a little bitter.It was not a big hit at my house. Not sure what is was supposed to taste like – thougt it was ok with the rice. Spread some on some baked chiles relenos (leftovers in fridge) and it was much better. Oh well!
Thank God my hubby prefers poker over football! This way, I didn’t have to pretend to cook, and he didn’t have to pretend to eat.
The green sauce tasted like horse sh*t!
Fancy Nancy don’t bother complimenting Jennifer when the compliment is between her and Alexis because Jennifer will just shoot it down and boost up Alexis. She kinda sounds like an Alexis groupie. It’s really odd.
Kevin….its sarah with an H !!! And it did kinda sound like Jennie Hutt was complaining just a smidgeon. Ohhh Kevin if only I could be half the woman Jennie Hutt is and cater to the male brood without a complaint. YAWN.
Do you have to refer to your husband Keith as “Keithy” even when you are blogging? It’s so annoying and the fact that you call your parents Mommy and Daddy still is really fake. Nobody needs a dose of reality more than your gd family. The men married into that family must just want to poke their eyes out!!