hi everyone!
alexis and i want to hear what you’ve learned from us this past year and a half…the good, the bad, the ugly, the funny, the silly, the deep, the shallow…whatever! and we want to play your telling us on the air.
call 1 866 5 my siri (866 569 7474)… and leave us a message that you’d feel comfortable hearing played on the show. when the voicemail picks up (it’s producer emily) she says to leave an id with your name and where you’re calling from etc..(we didn’t have time to change it) but we really want to hear what you’ve learned so do that instead.
p.s. this idea came to us when a listener bob called in and said he learned "jennifer has her period"… we thought, how fun it would be to put you all on the air with your thoughts too.
I can never make a great recording so I am going to say it here: I LOVE the word of the week (THANKS ALEXIS!!!), better then word of the day. My mother is pretty smart and she didn’t know what nepotism was…I feel smarter…lol
Things I have learned about you 2 girls:
You both come from wealthy families.
Alexis is depressed. (whether she knows it or not)
Jenn has many issues and she should seek psychiatric help, but she refuses.
Alexis has big ears.
Jenn has ugly feet and toes.
I will post more thoughts as they come to me…
I learned that Alexis finally figured out her mom can do it all and she can’t so she is depressed and I learned that Jen can’t get over the fact she wasn’t good enough to be “Annie” and never got over it. Move on girls, life is too short.
Alexis has a sense of humor that is considered very obnoxious and her mother probobaly want to poke her eyes out listening to what a brat she raised. Listening to Jen rant about American Idol (Who gives a sh*t) makes me want to poke my eyes out!!! Both of you need to shut up and talk about some REAL issues, it’s getting bad. I don’t care who you think is attractive.
my girlfriend listens to this show so I have to listen with her, things we have learned…Alexis is sleeping with a lot of men looking for daddy’s love, Jenny is the most annoying girl and pretends to be a great mom when clearly she is at work when they need her most and she doen’t even need this job. Both girls created a job to feel like they work. Alexis is very jealous of pretty women because obviously her modeling career never took off and her mother was a successful model. She is deperate to be a better baker than her mom and can’t even accomplish that and her biggest worry of the day is what her new apartment is going to look like and Jens big worry is what to cook and how to stay cozy when she knows her parents chef will send something over to the house. You are both so obnoxious and we listen only to get a huge laugh every night listening to you to hens, as I’m sure the rest of the listeners do (all 10 of them) and comment how pathetic two women born into money turn out so damn bad. Enjoy this year because you won’t be on next year. Do you really think it’s interesting to talk about who is cute or good looking? Are we still in college? Losers!!!
Hi whatever girls!
I have learned that I am very much like Alexis (GOOD thing). She is smart and much like Martha she does not put up with BS!
Free thinkers like the both of you keep me inspired and laughing.
Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!
I only get to listen to your show occasionally, and I find it entertaining. I do like to look at your blogs, and some of the comments are killing me. These people who write all the neg stuff not only listen to your show, they come to your blogs and take the time to read them and post. WOW!!! If I truly disliked a radio show, which there are some that I do dislike I would NOT listen to it and I sure would not waste my time reading blogs from the hated show. Get a life Negs!!!
I learned about mittelschmerz!
And I that there are people like me in the world with neurosis such as being scared to fly, not letting repairmen in the house to use the bathroom, and worrying too much
Jenn I relate.
Not only have I stopped listening, last weekend my wife & I were in the car and I flipped by the Martha channel and the show was on…
I kept it on for a few minutes and then my wife said, “please turn this crap off”
It was a kiss ass fest of callers telling alexis how great she was…
what a joke.
I pop into the website daily when I’m checking e-mail…
but even thats getting old.
the message board is the same 7 people with the same old BS.
so carry on with the ass-kissing bipolar and tedde….
I have learned that you 2 are not very good talk show hosts.
Your interview skills suck. Nearly every interview you have done turns out to be a disaster.
You also never have any decent content.
Listening to Alexis’s stories about “guy” is really lame.
not to mention her war stories about how many men she has slept with. some things should be kept to yourself. Especially your slutty sex life.
and Jen, her “trying to be nice ” persona is a joke. she really needs counciling.
I learned that this show on occasion is good but mostly gets sidetracked because alexis lets Jennifer control too much of the conversation. Only children watch american idol, I hate the recap. alexis please make her shut up about American idol. We all hate the show. Thats what I learned
I learned I hate American Idol more than ever now because Jennifer talks about it way too much. Alexis please tell Jennifer that part of the show has got to go. Please start talking about things that you use to talk about, ie. recycling, great products, green homes, great websites and stop letting Jennifer talk about what girls from Long Island talk about, nobody cares, there has to be more substance to Jennifer, she went to law school for heavens sake.
I learned that Jennifer life is really pathetic and nobody is that nice so she needs to get more real, especially if she ever wants to make it onto television and the wisdom I gained from Alexis; is to never leave my husband no matter what, because her sex life sums up what divorce does to a young girl. So sad that she has spent her life sleeping around and trying to convince all of us it’s OK. The whole pilot romance was TMI and really turned me off to you, makes me think you are dirty and not the sexy way.
I learned that Alexis can’t have great sex unless she is under the influence and I learned that these girls are exposing things about themselves that really should be kept private. You need a really good producer to save this show. Jennifer is way boring and has screwed up every interview and the guests just end up hating both of you. The guest from SNL, really was mocking you and I think Alexis got it but Jennifer clearly did not. Also give up on the Rosie thing you were so blown off by her and it’s getting embarrasing, I cringe for you.
I learned you two should quit while your ahead, sorry but only a mother is able to point out the obvious, you have really blown it. Alexis since your own mother won’t tell you i will, no man will ever take you serious if you don’t stop talking about all of your notches. You getting up there in the used goods dept. Jennifer nobody cares about American idol, or your husband Keith. stop calling him Keithy, it doesn’t make you or him any cuter. You don’t seem to have a grasp on how annoying you are. Get back to talking about issues in the world or whatever but not whats going on in you life, it’s boring and obnoxious.
I’ve learned that there are people with so much extra time on their hands they will spend it commenting over and over again using different names to make some sort of ridiculous and nasty statement. If you don’t like the show nor the girls then go away. Stop commenting. Obviously the girls don’t care because they post the mean comments too but enough! I have learned that being rich doesn’t always make you happy and that a dacquoise is a french pastry. I have learned about Jennifer’s period and Alexis’ fertility treatments. I think the show is great. Haters suck.
I have learned that people cannot handle the fact the not everyone agrees with them and like it or not you have to hear it. If someone likes something great if not thats great too get over calling them haters. It’s America and people say what they want.
I listen to the show for entertainment and because i’ve developed an interest in the girls i am therefore interested in their daily lives. it’s like i have 2 new friends who tell me everything (almost) and are sincere and shoot from the hip. if i wanted to hear about serious topics i would tune in to NPR (which i do) or any of the gazillion other newsy boring stations. to you haters i pose, would you lambaste howard stern for discussing his life so honestly about his sexual conquests or his farting & burping and nonsensical talk? NO, i would expect!!! I’ve learned that no matter who we are we are all human beings with similar needs. these girls live/work in the big city and are somewhat privileged…their perceptions of people and things is interesting to me not to mention the killer recipes and the girls’ foibles and difficulties in life that we all go through interest me. i’ve learned to be more concerned about the world we’re in, politically and environmentally and how shitty people can be like those that write trash on these posts!
Smart one – This blog would be as boring as the show if we didn’t get to hear from both sides. And what makes you think the comments are coming from the same person? Do you really think there’s only one person out there that finds them annoying?
I have learned that the two of you are normal…and your listeners are too. You are both so honest and it is really refreshing!! Honesty can be judged quickly but I really prefer it and find it the most entertaining! That is why the show is so great…brutal, unapologetic honesty!! Love you ladies, you crack me up while I am driving and your blogs keep my recipe collection stocked. I also love the pics…I have learned that you both are REAL PEOPLE…no matter where you came from or who your parents are.
Please keep being you, both of you!
I have learned that even assholes own computers and they use them to spew venom all over an innocent person’s blog… So, where’s YOUR blog so that everyone may retaliate against you in kind? Oh yeah, ball-less people don’t have one. p.s. You call yourself Voice of Reason/Laverne/Susan/Joe/Jack Sprat/Margie/Babs/Peter & Mommy; which is clearly a sign of Multiple Personality Disorder, and I’M the wack-job? Whatever!
FaFaella, lots of people hate Howard and tell him daily, I’ve learned girls are way too sesitive and take everything personally, If you are on a show like this, you got to learn to take the punches.
I’ve learned its easy to make make cash cows feel special.
I didn’t think knowing when you had your period was fun, but it is a fun visual!!! Pads or tampons??
I learned divorce is fantastic
Awww, why is everyone being so mean? I guess what you should learn is that you have a free right to change the channel when this show comes on! I know I don’t like American Idol, so guess, what? I don’t watch it, and therefore don’t have much to complain about it. If this show is giving you that much to complain about, by all means, hit the road Jack . . .
I’ve learned that MOMA has a GREAT line of products called Muji that are really GREAT, and CHEAP! I’ve also learned that spending a little extra on pasta can really make a difference in “another pasta dinner” or a GREAT pasta meal! I’ve also learned that all moms raise their kids differently, and I am most grateful when although it’s different than I do it, it’s done with much love, which is all I can expect a mom to give their child!
bipolar you need your meds adjusted
I learned you blow off friends for lunch and talk about on air
I love to get to know and listen to you, Alexis. Jennifer, you are a good cohost for Alexis. I love to hear about your lives.
Most of these comments are pretty nasty and address what listeners have learned “about” Jennifer and Alexis. I have learned it’s not that difficult to eat organic and have begun doing so, whenever I can, picked up some good recipes and actually bought a used copy of Vegetarian Eating for Everyone. You’re fun to listen to and for the most part the topics keep me interested, laughing, and alert on my 75 minute commute home. I wish both of you the best!
i’ve learned that the two girls are so very much like their moms although they probably won’t accept this yet. i’ve learned to withstand jennifer’s cackling and alexis’ morose and morbid behaviour…but most of all inspite of
alexis’ $88,000 annual shoe expenditure and jennifer’s obsession over only driving a mercedes– i’ve learned these two are intelligent and non-judgemental.
it’s too bad some of those who post on this blog can’t just let them be.
Alexis and jennifer are non-judgemental?????
what show are you listening to ?
Ariel …
Hello baby…
very rarely I pop in here, but I’ll give my $0.02
even though I’ll get bashed….
why is everyone being so mean ??
It’s not about being mean or disliking the girls per say…
It’s about putting it out there that what they are doing as far as show content really sucks.
I kinda like Alexis and Jenn…. they have likeable qualities.. and they have a decent flow/chemistry on the air…
that said…
they have nothing else.
say what you will about Howard Stern… like him or not, he can take a lame duck interview and turn it into a masterpiece.
Not that the girls have to go that far boundary wise, but they do need to learn how to conduct an interview and know when to get off a lame subject or move on… ( quickly)
Also, need to know what is pleasing to a listeners ear.
there is a lot of self gratification going on. No one wants to hear that.
Jenn claims to be a big Stern fan…
maybe… but she has learned nothing.
I actually find the blog more entertaining than the show.
(when I listen to it)
my hours have changed and I rarely listen anymore.
I don’t miss it either.
I do love Martha though.
And no matter how much baking and gift wrapping she does… Alexis will never have half the talent Martha does. or the charisma.
Her sexual escapades would be better left to memory rather than telling the audience.
It only makes her look like a slut.
And no man wants to settle down with a slut.
you know what ??
I rarely listen anymore.
Those few that frequent the message board will also know that I rarely post there either.
the trill wore off pretty quick.
You girls have potential, If you get creative.
If you keep staying the present course, You are doomed.
It’s a good thing Sirius doesn’t have a ratings book, because you would be in trouble.
You girls need to dig deep.
the 5 or 6 loyal fans will not carry you through the long term.
so long,
– TJ
Jenn.. ?
what college did you go to?
“what have you learned from alexis and me?”
what kind of ENGLISH is that?
why do you all listen if you hate them so much???
i think some people missed the point. jennifer and alexis didn’t ask what they needed to learn. they asked what we have learned from the show. not sure what i’ve learned except i do know what i’m going to be listening to weekdays 5-7. been listening to howard for over 20 years and i find the whatever show equally enjoyable. pure unadulterated fun!!!!! thanks girls!!!!!
I learned that my Grandaughter hates me,,,, boo hooo….
I rarely defend these girls but…you can’t compare them to Howard Stern, he’s is a veteran, they’re still rookies. Continue to give them a chance. They try hard and continue to improve. They’re not what they could be but they’re not what they were either. When they first came on I had my doubts, I don’t anymore. They have staying power. Also back off Tedde and Christy they’re loyal fans.
The show is like visiting with friends I don’t always agree with them but they’re still my friends. I’ve learned one thing from this blog…the person you said the girls are non-judgmental needs to have their head examined.
I learned that when you’re forty-ish , you should be really embarrassed for yourself if you still think like a spoiled, catty, self-important high-school girl. That being said, the show is still appealing because it’s different from so much of the other boring crap that’s being broadcast.
Hey jack funny to see you caught a grammer error on Jennifer’s blog. This is the second time a grammer error has been pointed out to her. I don’t know where she went to college, I do know she is a lawyer, but not a very bright one at that. She also missed another error in her Feb 16th blog, but I’m not going to point it out. This time lets see if she can figure it out.
I’ve learned that like it or not we all really love Martha and sloppy seconds are better than nothing
You people are so mean to say these comments…and some are you are sooo stupid for thinking that Jennifer’s title is incorrect grammer…it is not!!! Jennifer has correct grammer usage.
i’ve learned that this wasn’t necessarily a good question to ask.
you must have gone to the same college as Jenn.
what a dumbass ..
I’ll have to get good and liquered up to get the courage to call in. But boy have I ever learned a lot from your show! Very valuable info like about shtupping and how to sneak oversized animals on the subway without getting caught. Oh and let’s not forget all of the words of the week. I just love you girls.
I could use a little help from those of you that have a problem with the sentence ‘What have you learned from Alexis and me?’ I don’t see the grammatical error. By the way, it’s grammar not grammer.
I’ve learned that no matter where you are from or how wealthy you are, women tend to have similar needs, vulnerabilities, & insecurities. I’ve learned that the funniest sounding word (ever!) “Mittelschmerz” is actually a medical condition (I’m still not sure how to properly spell “shtup,” though.) I’ve also learned that the “62nd Street Lemon Cake” is seriously the yummiest cake recipe ever!
I learned that Steve and Keithy are really convincing actors.
Would you say “What have you learned from I?” No! This goes back to elementary school she is correct in saying “What have you learned from Alexis and me?” Ask your third grader, he’ll know.
Allison is right. I was just about to say the same thing. You can always tell when to use “me” or “I” by substituting one or the other. It drives me nuts that so many people, celebrities or not, use “I” all of the time because they think it makes them sound smart!
I love your show – it’s witty and funny.
It’s interesting to read everyone’s negitive comments. Why would you be on this site writing in the blog if you don’t listen to the show? And… for the ones who really hate the show – change the channel.
Love the haters, you rock, tell these two cows to hit the road
Trucker Johnny,
I couldn’t agree with you more! Mostly I listen to stay awake on my way home from work. I sometimes chuckle, but less and less lately. I really wanna like these two and their show but it’s getting more and more difficult. Trucker Johnny, please get your own show on Sirius radio and save us all!
My life hasn’t been quite the same since subscribing to Sirius. Not only am I entertained on a daily basis but Alexis and Jennifer have provided me with valuable advice…if it weren’t for them i’d still be in a dead-end, miserable friendship. Thanx ladies…I love you both!!!
India – the purpose of radio or tv is to have people listen or watch!!! Producers don’t put shows on so NO ONE will listen — if it weren’t for the haters (if that’s what you want to call them), the show would not have many listeners and WOULD NOT be on at all. THANK US!
That’s a good idea, they should hit the road. Then who’d do the effin show, moron? Ya’ll need to shove something up your ass and shut up!
I read a few of the comments from your
listeners. What I have learned from your show is you have really mean angry people listening. Why don’t they just change the station. Alexis keep the sarcasm going its great. Jennifer love your laugh and you talking about you phobias, it makes for great radio. You can tell you both have something very special how many peoople can sit and talk about their lives and make it interesting. Not many.
I love you both! The show is great! Ignore the naysayers. It’s incredible that so many mean & nasty people are making comments…this show is about…WHATEVER after all. Isn’t it?! Absolutely whatever comes to mind…
I can’t believe the negative comments people have left about you on your what have you lerned. I LOVE the show. It makes me smile so often.People are CRAZY and shouldn’t listen if they don’t like it. I’m 54 and it cracks me up. You say usually exactly what I feel.
Hi, I think you are both very courageous and funny and proud of who you are, which is not easy to be for most people. Maybe it is time to go to the next level, because you have such an opportunity to make a difference. love, lynda
Wow, what is going on with the blogs these days! I have learned that so many people are super jealous of you and Alexis. I love your show! F the haters out there!!
First time listener today. I’d like to party with you guys. Sounds like you are having fun. Some people are way to serious. They need to chill a little.
I have learned that I have been mis- pronouncing Italy all of these years, according to Alexis, it is pronounced It-ly.
Horrrr-i-ble can be used to sum up almost anything, right Lexi,,, horrrr-ible. Time for a new adjective.
guys leave them alone or I won’t get sthupt
although I really do love what Betty said…Why are all these people being so mean? Seriously. EW.
I love Alexis and Jennifer…I am making a T-Shirt with glitter. I heart A and J.
I learned what goes around comes around and It’s about time.
I’ve learned that Alexis has the best friends money can buy and that obsequious jewish american princesses can always find work as a sidekick at Daddy’s office.
I can’t believe the negative crap people have written on this blog. This must be a country full of people who needs meds…or something!
I have learned that Alexis and I are secret twins. It’s a little freaky…
Laurie, what country are you referring to? US or Canada, because I agree, Canadiens are nuts
U can’t “f” the haters out there because then there would be no listeners. U don’t have many lovers well Lexi U do.
I have learned that Jennifer has 2 washing machines and how great it is to be able to do a load of colors and whites at the same time…Why bring this up? How many listeners do you think share this luxury and want to know this? Also, do not ask Alexis “who do you want to take?”…how do you think that makes other callers that are holding feel? Just plunk down a line like Alexis does. Stop that dopey intro with the cute names of towns, it is played out. I set my S50 for 5:01 so I make sure I miss that. Finally, it is disgusting that you rip off your fans selling that crap on your website unless all the proceeds are going to charity. Love Alexis btw.
I love Jennifer. I love Alexis. Enough with the obnoxious comments. They both make the show terrific. They have great chemistry. The show is excellent because they both are on it.
I couldn’t agrree more with KC, that intro is very bothersome and really old, I wonder if Jen has more control over the show than Alexis? I can’t imagine Alexis agreeing to half of the crap Jennifer comes up with. I like when Alexis fights with Jennifer and tells her how annoying she is. Keep it real Alexis, because we love when point out how ridiculous jennifer is being. I just love it!!!
How obnoxious that some people have nothing better to do than leave negative comments on this blog – they really must not have anything better to do with their time. Pathetic! How about you post a blog so we can all leave comments about what we think about you and how you live your life?
I learned not to defend any family members who choose to put themselves out there. Make your bed and lie in it.
Christie, welcome to the club