hi everyone!
when i was 25 years old i decided i wanted to be a voice over artist… i wanted my voice to be the one everyone heard when they watched tv and saw a commercial for tampons or diapers or make-up or herpes medication or any other ad that required a female voice over in its ad. Of course i would prefer to do something more for children than to be the voice for www.stdaware.com/chlamydia-test, but hey, work is work. i wanted to voice any/all disney animated characters- the role of ariel in disney’s the little mermaid was my dream gig. i wanted to be the voice of a nickelodeon superstar (think spongebob).
so i made two demo tapes (at the time they were actually cassettes- how crazy is that!) one was a singing demo (for animation and jingles) and one was a speaking demo (for commercials). i sent out the singing demo first to people way high up in the animation music business and got a favorable response – even the legendary producer david foster told me i have a “great voice”….if you think i’m boasting- let me assure you i am not because even after being told i have a “great voice” by someone so accomplished I STILL COULDN’T GET HIRED! and that’s the industry…you are so “great”! you are so “talented”! you are so “on your way”. it is all such “BULLSHIT”.
then i sent out my speaking demo… i got “signed” by a very fancy voice over agency at the time (j. michael bloom)- look them up- they are now defunct! i remember the day i got the call that they wanted to sign me exclusively, which meant they were the only agency that could send me out on auditions, i felt like a million bucks… like my future was about to start…like i was going to get job upon job upon job. in one year they sent me on exactly 4 auditions. only FOUR AUDITIONS. i booked none. zero. zilch. zed.
after that one year i got the (expected) phone call from my agent that i was not going to have my contract renewed… the agency was dropping me. i was a loser. ok she didn’t call me a loser but the message was clear. i cried (of course), and moved on. one week later i found out i was pregnant with my son.
i rationalized that my being dropped from the agency was kismit, beschert, i was meant to focus on my pregnancy and ready myself for motherhood (whatever)…so that’s what i did. i spent the next 6 years as a stay at home mom. i managed to pass the bar exam during that time, and i had a brief stint working as a lawyer a few hours a day but really i was home…and happy. but although i was happy, i still thought about the career i didn’t yet or wouldn’t ever have.
then i ran into an old friend (morgan) who’s business partner happened to be the top commercial casting director in nyc… beth melsky. she agreed to listen to my very old demo and tell me whether i had the potential to do voice overs- she said i did, hooked me up with a new (better) agent who actually sent me on auditions… i booked only one (a line in an espn promo) but it was enough to make feel like i had potential. really beth was enough to make me feel like i had potential and i think because she believed in me, i started to believe in myself.
about two years later i met alexis who asked me to develop/do this show with her (thanks alexis)..and here we are.
i love doing the radio show (so much!) but i still go on auditions (whenever i’m called and time permits) because i still fantasize about being the voice for tampax or johnson and johnson or clairol or bayer etc… and i still dream of voicing an animated character one day too…one day.
here are pictures from my most recent audition for johnson and johnson which i did not book (duh).
the board that tells what room the audition is in.
and auditioning!
My buddy records local voice-overs in New York, and my cousin records national jingles in Texas. BOTH of them would rather have YOUR job. Chin up my chica…you’ve got it ALL already!
You can be an easy lay
When you use our douche each day
Your man won’t have to bear the brunt
Of your stinky smelly ____.
Masengil, good enough for Sylvia Plath, good enough for you.
Thank yo for sharing your story- I am going to show my daughter. She has the ambition to be a concert flutist- While ambition is admirable, we try to encourage her to have a ‘back-up’ The part where they told you how great you were, then not hiring you similar to her experience trying to acquire scholarships.
My gosh, even with all your connections you are having this problem.
It is a tough business
Thanks again
Why did you wear giant grey sweats to an audition?
your point?
hi jk!
the beauty of voiceover auditions is that it doesn’t matter what you are wearing or what you look like. it’s all about the voice and your line read.
the sweatshirt is keith’s favorite hoodie.
wow, your sister just confirmed you how awful your outfit was and how ugly you look. BTW, first impressions are everything!! Your dad should have taught you better. Keith sweatshirt is not helping.
I actually know the woman who was the singing voice of The Little Mermaid.
Jennifer you look like HELL as usual!!!
love you every day. good days and bad always love you ,
[and alexis ] keep reaching for your dream but i think you’re already there
You’re so cute Jennifer
jennifer Hutt….
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
“I want”
hi voice of reason!
don’t you have “wants” and “dreams”?
i don’t want to be complacent. ever.
Sure I do Jenny jen Jen…
I liken them more to fantasies…
Me & you and a dog named Boo ….
Hi jeni you look great in your outfit. you look down to earth and not a snob. good for you for trying this. It take guts to do this and put yourself out there. you go girl.
So glad you are doing what you want to do……….you’ve gotten further than most! At least you know what you want to do or makes you happy. MOST DON”T HAVE A CLUE.
Jen….honey…you won’t get the job it you don’t look like you want the job! I would never dream of going to an interview looking like I threw on what my man left on the floor the night before. You’ve got class…let your clothes show it! Save Keithy’s hoodie for snuggling at home or quick trips to the market. Love the show and all you gals do!
Jen: Don’t listen to this nastiness. You’re cute and your personality will shine through whatever you’re wearing. Losers: They’re interested in her voice not her sweat pants.
You have a very unique voice that I think would sound great for a variety of things..the right gig will no doubt come along, you will eventually get to guest-host the view, and the show with you and alexis will continue to thrive after the merge. Thanks for being so nice when I called in last week..you said i was “groovy”..right back atcha!
Jennifer – keep watching the Secret – you have all ready been chosen to do a voice over for a cartoon character – all you have to do now is be grateful that it has maifested in your life. Every morning just say I am grateful for my voice over cartoon character. You are definitely on the right path energetically – You are the master of your thoughts. What you think about comes about.
If Jenny is going to voice over interviews i doubt they give a crap about what she is wearing because they are LISTENING to her. Freakin freaks. You trolls can say what you want about the gurls because they clearly have something you all don’t…CLASS!
About the sweatshirt….Oh, I get it, the whole off the one shoulder sweatshirt ensemble is kind of your thing – your look. Love your show and didn’t mean to start anything with the other commenters. Geesh….
I’m sure I’m not the only one that will hope and pray that you will be the new voice for Tampax!!!! LOL
you have a very cute voice.