hi everyone!
alexis and i are in today’s page six about our stance on don imus’ firing.
chk it out – nypost pagesix.
At Least Two Women Are Standing Up For Imus
NOT everyone cheered CBS’s and MSNBC’s decisions to fire Don Imus. Alexis Stewart, daughter of Martha Stewart, and Jennifer Koppelman-Hutt, co-host of Sirius’ "The Whatever Girls" show, went on Martha’s show yesterday and said they supported him. "I don’t think either one of us were ever fans of Don Imus, but I think we’re both upset that he was fired," Alexis said. "It’s really hard to sit for four hours of basically nonscripted talk and be completely appropriate the whole time at all times. I feel bad for him and for everyone else. I think it’s sorta scary." Koppelman-Hutt agreed: "I mean, we have two hours [of airtime], and it’s a big struggle." Meanwhile, Justin Chambers – whose "Grey’s Anatomy" co-star Isaiah Washington recently used a gay slur that landed him in anger-management rehab – told Page Six at Thursday night’s Triumph motorcycle event on Spring Street: "It’s so odd that we now have rehab for words. How can you go to rehab for something you said?"
it’s exciting!
Just checked my NYPost – how cool! I just love Page Six for my daily dose of gossip. So exciting to see you girls there! You’ve arrived!
Go Jennifer and Alexis!!! I feel that Imus is receiving the same treatment Martha did. There were all these corporate CEOs were screwing people over but Martha was chosen as the one to make the example of and was basically crucified for doing… what??? Mel, Kramer, and Isaiah have spewed racial or homophobic epithets and Imus — whose words were repugnant BUT NOT SAID IN ANGER — loses everything bacause he was chosen as the one to become the example. Firing the guy right in the middle of his radiothom for the Tomorrow’s Children Fund, CJ Foundation for SIDS and the Imus Ranch for Kids with Cancer? Where’s the outrage about this?
I am a die-hard Imus fan and am so depressed about all this. I hope Imus, like Martha, is able to come back bigger and better than ever!!!!
How very exciting!
You guys were fabulous on Martha! Loved it!
Congrats on Page Six. Good PLug for the show. So what is next for you Jennifer a Gawker sighting.
Now he would make an interesting guest.
I KNEW IT! You two are on your way up, up, up! Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it! Congratulations! I’m happy for your continued success.
I’m not so sure you were both sticking up for Imus – right? Such double standards –
By Harvey Fierstein:
What surprises me, I guess, is how choosy the anti-P.C. crowd is about which hate speech it will not tolerate. Sure, there were voices of protest when the TV actor Isaiah Washington called a gay colleague a “faggot.” But corporate America didn’t pull its advertising from “Grey’s Anatomy,” as it did with Mr. Imus, did it? And when Ann Coulter likewise tagged a presidential candidate last month, she paid no real price…..
The real point is that you cannot harbor malice toward others and then cry foul when someone displays intolerance against you. Prejudice tolerated is intolerance encouraged. Rise up in righteousness when you witness the words and deeds of hate, but only if you are willing to rise up against them all, including your own. Otherwise suffer the slings and arrows of disrespect silently.
Harvey Fierstein is an actor and playwright.
Alexis is right about things becoming scary. You can balance America’s budget and bring prosperity to a nation, but get caught getting a BJ and your targeted. You can teach a whole nation how to elevate their lifestyle but by god, you are going to prison if someone thinks you’ve lied and you lean Democratic. Host a radio show and call the President on his stupidity? Well, you are fired because someone heard you say “ho”.
But if you are a Republican and delete FIVE MILLION emails regarding White House communications, well, that’s simply an ignorant mistake. So sorry. No prosecution needed against violating the Hatch Act or any other federal law. And you can get up there in front of all of America and LIE about Iraq and go to war and basically turn yourself into a dictator while everyone else wonders who fathered the million-dollar baby. Scary.
My question is: would there be all this hype if a black man said it? and I doubt that he would be fired. Maybe the Black community should account for what they say to each other as well.
You guys were fantastic on Martha yesterday. Kudos for being so honest. Well done.
Dear Sandy/Scottsdale- Please remember what the ‘Whatever’ girls have always maintained during their entire 2 years on the radio… Which is this: they are equal opportunity offenders regarding anything and/or anybody in this whole wide world. They are NOT politically correct personalities, nor have they ever claimed to be. Duh?! And, following that logic, it would only seem natural that they would oppose the MSNBC firing of Don Imus (despite the fact that they never liked him or his entertainment show) because it goes against what they believe about being PC. Get it? p.s. I’m crazy, not stupid. Just in case you were wondering. p.p.s. I too like Harvey Fierstein.
Saw you both on Martha this week and you two need to have your own television show!
On New York Post Online they had Alexis’pic.
Bipolar – not that Alexis and Jennifer need you to police their comments section – although kind of you – I meant that the INDUSTRY had double standards – not Alexis and Jennifer. When I wrote the comment – it didn’t put the paragraphs in properly – so it reads as though I’m saying that A and J had double standards – which is not the point I was trying to make. I am personally apalled that they fired IMUS. But I am equally appalled that anti-gay slurs and the sort go unpunished in the political world – see Ann Coulter – and in the Television industry – see Isaih Washington. Selective political correctness is disgusting.
I am so happy to see that so many have the same view as I do. Refreshing to know some are AWAKE!
Proud of you and Alexis for speaking honestly…as always!
Saw you guys on the show, you were both great and very sexy. yummy
JonathonsMom – Great to see your comments about the girls on Rosie’s blog today!
Dear Sandy/Scottsdale, It’s cool… I gotcha, now. Selective political correctness IS disgusting.
Saw you both on Martha (never miss it!) and agree with your comments re: Imus. While no one could possible disagree with the fact that his comments were racist, should he be fired?!? Does the phrase “Thought Police” mean anything. Who is next? Alexis, Jennifer, Rosie….? Sets a dangerous precedence.
to quote paul “shits occuring!” YAY!
YAY! I posted the following on Rosie’s blog…and she answered!!! Finally!
-Rosie’s Blog-
JonathonsMom writes:
U have 2 read Whateverradio.com’s, (Jennifer’s) latest blog COMMENTS.
There r many ppl who completely agree w/U. Refreshing and encouraging 2 c so many people r AWAKE!
Peace 2 U and yours!
their thought
it is only i
who thinks as i do
they r wrong
You know, I have never particularly been an Imus fan, and I certainly did not approve of the words he used and he deserved a tongue lashing perhaps, but I see far worse every single day. Shall we fire the world? What is it with this country that we are so easily distracted from the truth to turn on individuals the media directs us to destroy, while the ruling of our Country slips under the radar?