hi everyone!
watch MARTHA friday and please tell your friends we’ll be on- we’d love to get a positive response….(and yes, there is always the chance that we suck- we haven’t seen the tape!)
you can email the tv show telling them how much you enjoyed seeing us…hehehehe (i’m a little loopy for a change! no not from drinking…)
thanks if you decide to email…and thanks even if you just decide to watch!
Jennifer, I miss your video blogs, we haven’t had one for a while. I will be watching Martha Tomorrow.
I’m planning my day around watching Martha!!! Can’t wait to see you both. I just love you.
Remember the story about my daughters playdate killing her hamster? I told Mom and girl, (the hamster died the evening AFTER the killer, oops playdate left. the girl was devestated, and the mom was sick. Glad to know the girl didn’t do it on purpose.
See you tomorrow! I’ll email the show too.
Hey Girls,
Has the handbag show been bumped to Monday? I actually stayed home this morning to see you two on Martha Stewart (and of course, the handbags!) and it doesn’t look like the handbag stuff will be on today. Bummer!!!
Please advise! Thanks~
I would watch except on Monday, Sept. 10th, our local NBC affiliate, WNCN, took MARTHA off the air. They replaced her with one more hour of paparazzi tv (Extra and TMZ.) I’m pretty upset and have been emailing the station, but I’ve heard nothing. Oh, by the way, I live in the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill area, so those KB Home communities she created don’t get MARTHA either.
I’ll be tuning in…and Happy New Year!
You were both great! Looked fab!
Loved the segment!
Just watched you two on the new Martha..very enjoyable! Alexis–you looked so hot! You had such a soft vibe going on! Really nice…and so youthful!!
Excellent TV appearance. The whole show was great. Jennifer you seems very relaxed and confortable. Great job!
You guys were great! Always real and so likeable. I enjoyed your purse chat!!
I’m listening on the computer-very good job! I can’t wait to see the show via the computer replay whenever that comes up.
Best Martha appearance so far. Alexis was having a good hair day and Jennifer really looked radiant. Thanks for showing that $99 LLBean tote. Did Martha really keep it?!
Also: Alexis, you and Kevin were very very good on the decorating show. Loved the topics.
Hi Jennifer-I caught the Handbag show today. You were both very good. I gotta say, it was kinda creepy the way you loved your bag. $5600 for a bag, really?
Great job on the show! You both seemed much more relaxed than your last appearance. It was really funny when you both stated emptying your purses at the same time…then Martha made a comment about the mess. Too funny!
Jennifer, Watched the show and you two did fabulous!!! Alexis and you better go back on and bake or cook something next time…with all of Alexis’ blog baking posts I am sure you could come up with something terrific.
You 2 were great!
The show was great! The Martha Show is rebroadcast on The Fine Living Channel.
Handbag Day will be aired on Fine Living
September 17, 2007 8:00 PM EST
September 18, 2007 12:00 AM EST
Alexis was so hot on Martha today. Her skin looks so healthy. I like Jennifer too but lose 30 pounds already. She would be smokin’ hot too.
hi pacey,
i’m working on losing weight! i’m doing weight watchers…thanks for the encouragement though….
Great segment on Martha today girls! You both look terrific. Like your hair a little shorter Jennifer and Alexis, your toned arms!!! You go girl! I thought Martha was charming – you bring out the best in her.
If this is really you Jennifer, I didn’t mean to be rude although I was rude…oh never mind. Good Luck
Yes Pacey. That was very rude. DUH!
Loved the show today. It was fun! You guys both looked super cute. I just e-mailed the show and told them that they should have you on more often.
Fun segment and chat on the TV show
My friends and I have a theory that the all the female stars you see in pictures toting HUGE purses are doing so becasue it makes them and their bodies look small compared to the bag! LOL
I love good leather products and a nice purse but, honestly, the cost bags now is obscene and really smacks of materialism and wanting to be seen with an “in” product. You can buy a nice purse for under $500 and donate the rest to feed a family of four for months!!
Loved the show today. You were much more relaxed. Loved the bags too. I’m dying to know to , Did Martha keep the LL Bean bag? LOL That was cute!!
I think Jennifer is hot now. I like her body. I would #$@% her better than Keithy if given a chance.!?
Sorry Erica, I will bang a fat chick this weekend to make up for my rudeness
Rats, I wasn’t home in time but listened in my car on the ride down to my favorite food store WEGMANS! Now I have to catch it on reruns on FINE LIVING channel.
the show was horrible, Alexis tries way too hard to look hot and can’t pull it off, and jennifer tries way too hard to pull skinny off and well we know that ain’t happening
Jenny, your hair looked healthy AND radiant! You both looked so real and relaxed that it makes me wish you had a webcam while broadcasting… Keep up the good work.
loved the bags – it was great to watch you both emptying out the contents. Jennifer, I loved the ring you were wearing! You both looked great and seemed more relaxed and comfortable. After listening to the show so much it’s fun to see you on TV as well.
Wow, Patty! A little bitter are we???
Good job on Martha. You girls should have your own show. Can that segment be put up on Youtube? I’d love to watch it again.
Jennifer and Alexis did a great job! You both appear to be way more relaxed. Did Alexis fire Eva Scrivo? Both of your hairdos looked better this time than on the last show.
Jen, I LOVED your hair, the color and style looks great on you. I think it’s a little darker than ususal?? I like it. The appearance was much better than the last one which was the question/answer session. Also, I liked that Martha was there too during the segment. It looks like you were a lot more relaxed and were really having fun!
BEST appearance yet! You guys looked great, and seemed more relaxed. Bravo! Interestingly, I recently saw in a store window on Bloor St. (in Toronto) a display of gold bags similar to the one you had on the show. Totally reminded me of the early 1990’s lol.
I watched and thought you girls were great! I loved the handbags.
You guys rocked. Jenny you seemed way, way more relaxed and confident since the last appearance. Bravo to you. Becoming a regular is a must.
Don’t worry…I know this won’t go through to the comment section….Only the positives do. WOW!! though, $1500 and $5600 for a handbag…you should and hopefully are ashamed of yourselves…especially Jen, who usually cries poor, and Alex, WOW!no words for spending that much. I’m so disgusted…but I love that Alexis said “It’ll last forever” Thank God she won’t.
Hello Jen, Marge here. A more serious comment about Paulie being on the air. Don’t let him. Alexis monopolizes the show as it is. She doesn’t even mention you in magazine articles, she just plays the role of Martha’s daughter and treats you like a side-kick. Fact is, there is no show without you. You keep the conversation lite and moving along. Alexis would be unbearable without your naturally sweet and open disposition to dilute her condescending air.
Now Paulie wants a piece of the attention. He sucks up to Alexis and would push you out if he had the opportunity. This is probably his only chance at any type of fame so don’t underestimate him. Every minute he gets is one less minute for you. Soon it will be, “The Alexis Stewart show, with Paulie and Jennifer.” Don’t let it happen. You’re a good person and deserve more respect and ctredit than you’re getting. Marge
Wow…some of your posters need to get a life! Spend whatever you damn well want on handbags, let whoever you want on the show…it is your money, your show and we are just lucky enough to be able to have a peek into your world. I personally like Paulie’s contributions to the show. He brings a male perspective to the show that only reinforces just how smart and witty you and Alexis are! If people don’t like it, they can turn the dial! There are plenty of listeners that will never leave you…and would love to see you on TV.
Marge is not so smart. You and A together make for great radio. Don’t worry about your job or not having enough air time. You are fab. I xoxo your hair.
dana in philly – I agree – I like Paulie’s contributions and a male perspective. He’s a good sport.
Jennifer! Watched the show and you were more relaxed than other appearances. Great!
Unfortunately, I think Marge is on the mark. You and Alexis are equals yet people seem to be more interested in and cater to Alexis, probably because her mother is Martha. You stand on your own merits and for that you deserve a round of applause. Paulie definitely favors Alexis and seeks her aproval, while being more dismissive of you.
I also think that you should be careful with Alexis. Remember when she was bragging about how she can write off people that she liked without a second thought? She’ll do that to you as well when she finds you boring, or no longer usefull, or tedious like she did with Guy. But don’t worry, people like you for who you are, for your genuine nature. People only like Alexis because her mother is Martha, and they are suck-ups because they can’t see her for the selfish person she really is.
People like alexis because she’s a “bitch”, you can’t get a grip on her and that’s what fascinates a lot of people.about Martha, for god sake i didn’t even know who she was until i found this site,and in europe i am probably not the only one.so why suck up to alexis!?!it’s not like she gonna do you a favour.if people do suck up to her,then they are just stupid.let them be… who cares. But yes jenny seems sweet and that’s good for her. But I prefer people who are brutal honest.If Alexis says something i don’t agree with, i just don’t react .. one more thing about writing off people, why waste waste time on people who aren’t worth it? life is too short..and don’t tell me you aren’t selfish, every one is… there are people starving,women being sold as slaves/prostitutes,etc… Are you doing something about it??
Mean people:
Someone who spends x-amount on a bag, say, in this case, Alexis or Jennifer, may be generous monetarily and in other ways to causes and people around them without discussing their gifts/donations. It’s all relative. What of the person who only buys $30 handbags but has never been generous to another human being in his or her life? What does how much a person spends on a handbag have to do with their character? And, most importantly, how can you possibly judge people that you truly do not know?
Jennifer: To heal pimple, break open liquid Advil and apply several times a day. Acts as an antiobiotic to promote healing.
Cmon Heather, it is hard for some of us ordinary people (like you and me)to fathom spending that much for a purse. Spending $5,000 for a purse is over the top for the majority of Americans. The person who spends $30 for a purse is more likely to be generous to others anyway. Your character is based on how you behave when no one is looking, more than how much money you are able to give. Hope Yankees do well in the playoffs.
To the small handful of fans trying to warn Jennifer to be wary of Alexis–it seems perfectly clear to many of us that Jennifer fully realizes the coattails that she is riding on and if anything, it’s Jennifer that is using Alexis for her desperate craving for public approval and silly showcasing of her non existent broadcasting/entertainment skills. Think about it. Jennifer + any other executive’s kid-this radio show would not be on air. However, Alexis + any other executive’s kid-same outcome. Jennifer is by no means special in this Whatever Radio equation. I personally think her acting so goofy and fake is the reason Alexis gets such little grief for her attitude and personality. Jennifer is the easy and very deserving target.
Well, I splurged and bought a $700 Gucci (on sale, last season’s) once… I still love the bag, but I’ve toned it down to a $400 Coach.. but if I could afford a $5k bag, I’d buy it.. and anyone who thinks they’re stuck in the poor house.. well, you are exactly where you want to be.. I have successfully doubled my income every year for the past 10.. I’m up to $50
just kidding.. but truly, if you are ambitious and you aren’t afraid of the world.. you can do anything you want to.. no matter where you come from. and.. buy wtf you want.. yep..
Can you say… ghetto superstar.. that is what you are.. ahem.. i am
Thanks Leo, I agree. I was going to respond to Heather L., (her post made me LOL), but realized with her post she wouldn’t get what I’d say anyway. Waste of time.