rosie was terrific on our show. she was gracious, kind, funny and sincere.
as paulie said "rosie is so regular. she’s so normal." and she is.
yeah, she’s a super celebrity but rosie has no pretense and no airs. she’s just cool.
my brother brian (he’s so great!) called in and said that i have been struggling since my mom died, but since i met rosie, i have been happily distracted and focused on something other than my loss.
he’s right.
i have been struggling and i have been sad, and i have felt little joy, and i have been consumed by thoughts of my mom.
and meeting rosie has given me an opportunity to dwell on something other than missing bunny.
but now i keep thinking how great it would’ve been for my mom to hear yesterday’s show. i know she would’ve loved hearing rosie with alexis and me. and i know my mom would’ve called in with something completely retarded and ridiculous. and i know i would’ve said "ok mommy, i love you. bye!!!!" and we all would’ve giggled.
so maybe my mom had a hand in my getting to know rosie. maybe she was orchestrating from somewhere beyond.
no, i don’t REALLY believe that, but i can bask in the fantasy that she’s not gone she’s just "unreachable" and is still involved in my life as she always was.
so thanks ro, for a much needed break from the morose.
please check out rosie’s website for information about her wonderful foundation.
and here is rosie and me with our feet up in the office.
aim: whateverradio
facebook: jennifer koppelman hutt
Rosie, “normal”, come on…
Hey Jennifer! I loved that show yesterday! You guys all had great chemistry! I would love to see Rosie on a “Whatever Martha” episode! I know Rosie always talked about how losing her mother affected her, so hopefully she was able to give you some great advice! And …you may not be that far off with the “your mom orchestrating” thing!
A distraction like Rosie is a good thing. Good for you, Jennifer.
The show yesterday was wonderful! I was super excited to get to talk to you both AND Rosie! I loved your story about Vivi and hide-and-seek!
I agree with Matt V re: Rosie’s openness about the effect losing her mother has had on her. She told some really moving stories about her when I saw her live this summer, and I think it is great that she’s become such a great friend (and happy distraction) to you.
And, I’m sure you’ve already seen it, but just in case the Lustgarten Foundation ( is such a valuable resource for information on pancreatic cancer. My boss lost most of his family to the disease, so we’re involved in the fight to find a cure.
yeah for the whatever girls and Rosie I enjoyed listening
I believe Bunny did hear the show.
who has the wrap around their foot????
i believe ur mom did have something to do with it
she is not unreachable
there r no accidents
knowing u
has filled me with joy as well
Dang! I’m so mad that I missed the show with Rosie. Sounds like you had a good time with her.
And Alexis, I thought Towelhead was a really good film. I watched it this weekend on DVD. I’ve mentioned it to a few people, and get the “hmm, never heard of it” response that most people have to Indie films.
I tripled loved the show yesterday. The chemistry between the three of you was so much fun. And I DO believe that Bunny had a hand in connecting you to Rosie. xoxox
great show! Great with Rosie, Great with no guests!
Great show. I almost rolled over after hearing Alexis “wet the bed” after getting into a deep ambien sleep. One of the best shows yet with Rosie, everyone sounded so happy.
Yesterday was really terrific. She was laid back, honest, and fun. Prior to the show, I wasn’t especially a fan, nor a hater.
PS It was great when she would comment on the frequent commercial breaks.
And thanks Brian for bringing that up again and putting the attention back on the sadness. Way to go! ha.
i loved the show with rosie yesterday. it would be great if she did the show every once in a while.
Wouldn’t you know it, hubby and I decided to share the stiletto, last week was my week and the show is recorded this week for me, yesterday I didn’t go out and listen in the car, and the one show I have been so hoping would happen, happened, I think I might have even called in, he forgot to bring the stiletto in last night, I haven’t even heard the show yet, told him this morning and he says I hope it recorded, my mouth dropped, he laughed, we will see I am so upset with myself, I would have had the neighbors asking what I was doing sitting in my car and laughing.
Jennifer I so absolutely believe that those who have to leave, are close by watching over and not just our mothers, I have had very twilight zone moments involving relatives I never met, died long before I was born and they have just happened to me in the last few years, so yes we have angels with us, amazing things can/will happen. I am so happy for you and for Rosie.
Jennifer….you know I love you and Alexis but your biggest obsession in years was on the show and we only get to see a small picture of your feet….really?? I mean really?
Wow, you guys even made it on to Perez Hilton today…you are big time now!
Sorry but I heard that voice and turned the radio off…I am probably in the minority here, but I hope Rosie is not a regular on the show.
Having said that….I am glad that you’re experiencing joy again Jennifer….whatever it takes!
Hey, how to the weekend replays work? There is one PST 2:00-4:00 p.m. and then another 8:00-10:00 p.m., Saturday and Sunday. Are 4 different shows replayed on the weekend, or say, does Sirius play the same show at 2:00 and 8:00?
It was really sweet of Rosie to come on the show, and it was a lot of fun listening to the three of you having such a good time. It’s nice to hear you laughing, and enjoying yourself again Jenifer. You deserve this!!
Find happiness in yourself or do something creative to keep your mind busy. Don’t look for happiness in talking/visiting to celebraties. Did you watch Oprah’s all show last week? That’s what she was doing and btw, don’t forget to weigh yourself..that is a signal for you.
your whole rosie obsession is really weird to me. it kind of creeps me out that you’re crediting this person you barely know with helping you overcome your grief.
Yesterday’s show was fantastic! …I think Rosie came into your life when she was meant to.. and last year wouldn’t have been the same as it is this year. Bunny is still up to tricks where ever she is!!
i’m so upset, i missed the show. will you run it again over the weekend and what day and time if you can? PLEASE!!!!
the rosie show will re air saturday most likely… at 5pm est and then again at 11pm est. that’s the plan right now. should it change i’ll let you know!
Jennifer you are a great person and very inspiring! Just as your Mum, and Rosie have inspired you….you inspire others(us fans) and your family and friends around you! Your Mum will always be there watching over you and helping you. Believe it! bc it is true
you guys were so funny. i really liked rosie and her interaction with you.
“very very odd” — go fuck yourself. you dont have anyone that would be fun and awesome for you to meet? Bono? Chris Martin? Clint Eastwood? it doesnt matter who it is if you like who they are and what they do. you are the sick fuck
now i know that this show is not for me…rosie?
Dear tuning out, Bye!
I heard the show & voice and thought “OMG!OMG!OMG!” I never think it in initials! But I was so happy hearing it and I loved it! Great work! Thank you!
I love hearing Rosie on your show – and I love Rosie! I hope she IS on more often, and all the haters can tune in elsewhere….
My father could still shed a tear and laugh at a warm memory of his mother 50 years after she died.
Our loved ones never leave us. But it does take time for the pain and shock to subside.
How much time? It varies, doesn’t it, person to person, loss to loss.
You have something very special with your mother that will never leave you.
Take the time you need.
This was the funniest show! Kept me laughing while I made dinner! Thanks!
I loved the show! I actually sat in my car to hear all of it. I’m glad she makes you smile just like the rest of us.
Will listen to replay of Rosie show on Saturday. It’s been almost 4 years since my mom died (6 if you count the memory loss)and I still miss her presence. My hubby and I were the only ones she knew in family. He was the last one to talk to her the day before and I can still hear her voice. She wanted to make sure he said goodbye to her before we left the nursing home. We weren’t with her when she died but she knew we were on our way (middle of night). Recently I opened a box of yarn and her scent drifted out of that box and it brought instant tears. You’ve only had a short time to grieve – it takes time. Enjoy your memories – they will be with you forever. I love my memories and have some of her stuffed animal collection around my house. Some days I hug the teddy bear and let the tears come. My mom in law died when she was 60. It’s been more than 35 years and we still miss her. Love your show. I’m usually listening in the car during the day time so can’t call in but someday I will. Take care.
Jennifer, your mom definitely had something to do with it. I still feel that kind of connection with my mom who has passed on. I believe she had a hand in me finding my husband. So glad you met Rosie. Loved the show!
Cars rolling over!
Winter sure is lovely so far!
I still think Rosie sucks I notice you deleted my first comment
great show also tv show great. Luv watching
Angry much??? You may want to get a life!
Why does Rosie fall all over Martha when she gets those kind of descriptions about herself from Martha and Alexis?
They all suck
none i say not a one called any shows and said tell so and so not to take plane number so and so BLAH BLAH BLAH
psychics are so fake ain’t they girls?
below zero soon F!!!
Came by here accidentally – heard some of the Rosie clips on perez (I am a big fan of Rosie) – never really heard of your show…… (but have now added it to TiVo)…….
I know how you feel about your Mom – I lost mine in May 2008 – and I am still beating myself up that I couldn’t “save her” or make her better……. I still think about her daily – some days sobbing, other days, happily. People keep telling me its going to get better…. All I can say is that its taking a long time. For you, your Mom lives on in your children. For me, she’s within my nephews.
Are you still alive?
where is the guy who paints them?I want one now!
That was the worst show ever. Rosie is a mean and hateful woman who should go away!!!!! Never have her on again. I had to turn my Sirius radio off that day
Yee Haw!!!
Keith is absolutely HOT HOT HOT………what a handsome husband you have!!! You lucky girl!!
Glad you got to meet your hero.It was a great show,very funny.Rosie rocks!!!
I have a fairly good idea on what “mean and hateful” is and Rosie was neither mean nor hateful on the show. Jay, you have Rosie baggage that you need to unload. By tuning out you missed a truly fun and entertaining 2 hours of radio. Let’s all think good thought for Jay, maybe Jay can be brought back in stead of going round and round on the luggage carousel.
Looked at the Enquirer in line at the market. Page 2, Rosie and “pal” on jet ski! “Pal” looks very familiar!
I occasionally read your blogs and enjoy your humor and feel your sadness. I have lost family members from pancreatic cancer and it is an awful, awful disease. I just really have to point out how disappointed I am over your very insensitive use of the word “retarded.” It is still shocking to me how intelligent adults still don’t realize it is NOT ok to use this term. Please be more sensitive to others regarding this term. Thank you.
Hi Jennifer
First, I must say, I love your show. I listen to it on my way home from work every evening that I can. I periodically read your blog, and keep gravitating to the parts about your mom. I lost both my parents to cancer, my father in Sept of ’05. My mom unexpectedly 5 months later, in January of ’06. (Do I dare even say my dog, 2 months after that! UGH!) Tomorrow is the 3 year anniversary of her death. I understand your loss. To me it’s the unconditional love that isn’t there. My husband is there for me, and he is wonderful, but it isn’t the same. So now 3 years later, I feel I can cope a bit better each day. But the fact that I have lost both of them is still unbelievable to me. There is something I wanted to tell you that helps me. Before my dad passed, he told me to remember that when he was no longer here he would always be in the next room, no matter what. If I missed him, just remember he was right behind me watching. So I think about that. I think about the times when I run into acquaintances and they mention a story about my parents. And I think, that’s them, that’s the sign, they’re right there behind me. It always seems to happen at my lowest point. Do I believe in it? I have to; it is the only thing that keeps me sane! So I agree, that is what Rosie is for you. If it helps you through this difficult time, then it’s ok to believe.