Your daughter sounds like my daughter. She just did the same thing to me a few weeks ago, only she asked for rainbow cupcakes, which I think were probably a lot less work.
The cake looks very challeenging to make but you did it! That’s great and by the way you look wonderful like you lost a good deal of weight. And you should always bake with diamonds and a Cartier bracelet. All your rings look great on. Amy
Oh snap the cake turned out great! I bet it was fun to eat. and for some reason and I am not sure why… it makes me think of Jen and the Holograms… not Rainbow Brite like it should ha ha ha
Love the video skills and the rings! And I do like the straight hair but you really can’t underestimate a great blowout, and when it comes to your hair I do have blowout envy!
Also music suggestion of the week: Amanda Blank
Jennifer, I know you lost some weight. I can see it in your face. Good for you! Love you guys! I am trying to learn imovie, too. I posted a video on fb of some dolphins we saw out in the gulf of Mexico when I went fishing with my husband. Love the show!
what a nightmare it must have been to make this cake! If you are not a baker, start out with something easier next time. I love to bake and I can’t imagine going through what you just did. I hope the final outcome tasted good.
It’s so sweet of you to make that cake for your daughter just because she asked (my Mom would never go through all that trouble). It’s a great memory she’ll have for a lifetime.
@ JAR, I do have kids and no I dont say “how high” when they say jump………….. My kid hear “no” more than they hear yes from me. IMO , If I were Jen I would have made my daughter sit through that whole process so that she would have learned the hard work that went into making the finished product. To me the cake looked a mess, to a child it probably looked like the best thing ever!!! I did give Jen credit and think she does a great job with making short films. I have a BIG adversion to hair and food, so I always get freaked out by that.
Jen, I would have picked different music. Like music from the Willywonka movie . You may not be able to use that though. And, for some reason, and it might be just my PC the voice was very low and the music was very high?
Thanks for posting I was so keen to see the finished product after the initial post!! It looked great and I’m sure your kids had lots of fun eating it!! Well done Jennifer xo
Jenn,I saw this cake too on kevin’s blog,and thought it was great but a little overwhelming.But I’ve made cakes for my kids and grandkids,shaped like colorful caterpillars and magician hats,with bunny rabbit cupcakes inside,so after watching you,I’m ready to tackle this one.Great job!
Jennifer there were three cakes to be had!!!!. Why on earth did you not slice each tinted layer into three thinner layers and make three smaller rainbow cakes???. Honestly , the amount of money you spent and the fact the daughter didn’t call a friend to help out and– you could have bargained/bartered their help for a cake to be sent home with her — the friend. Please why did not anyone offer this suggestion before hand??. Anyway did you make a cooked flour icing for the cake? The cake pans are awesome — the layers baked beautifully but the simple act of eating a “slice” became a monumental task. in my estimation!!!
Jenn, forgot to mention, love the song playing with the video, one of my fav’s.. hearing that sort of made my day…And yes, looking at your face now, compared to the first episode of whatever martha,you’ve lost a lot, and look great. But heavier or thinner, you’re still a wonderful,strong,caring,loving,woman and mother…
Jesus Christ – I’m trying to secretly watch your video at work…had to turn the volume to Max in order to hear you talking, and then the effin’ music comes blasting through! Scared the crap outta me and all my co-workers. lmao
Very cool Jenny. I just went to Michael’s to buy the gel colors so I can make this cake for my rainbow-obsessed daughter’s birthday this weekend. Thanks for making the video!
The irony of your baking blog being right next to the queen of baking is hysterical in an of itsself. But dont you change a single thing about it. Im sure many can be intimidated by what Alexis pulls off, but the balance that youve provided here for them is a good thing. Its quite endearing and adorable to see your video next to Alexis’s works of art. and Brian0523, I laugh everytime I read your comment and think about that music going off at that volume at the office ………….
I am dying here after watching that video. I love the way the counter is a mess, your hands are a mess, your hair ended up pinned back and you seemed glad it was over. Very authentic! Not that I don’t appreciate how clean and precise and tidy Alexis is when she bakes/cooks, but it’s nice to see the polar opposite!
Great Job, Jennifer!! I just may have to make a rainbow cake soon…And, by the way – LOVE your hair straightened and off your face. You look very pretty and natural in the video.
Wow that was tall!!! What a lot of work, but your daughter will remember. Take a picture of it so that you can show her when she tells you that you don’t care or weren’t there for her.
OMG……next time, tell your daughter you will make her a cake with rainbow frosting and just frost the cake with differnt colors. That could not have been more totally oposite to what Alexis turns out of her kitchen…….you mananged to make a cake that looked hard to eat and not very appetizing at that………. But you accomplished so much in the department of things you do because you love your daughter so much and will never do again…………. good work.
Great job! There is no way in heck I would have been able to do that. I just know that cake would have ended up flying out the window half way through the process. I hope your daughter loves it, but maybe just not so much she asks for it again!
the hair was making me nervous in that video. next time put it in a pony before you work in the kitchen. At least you’ll look the part…………i do give you credit for having the clip in it, but a clip and a pony next time………… the price to pay for having long hair…………
Way to go, Jennifer! I saw this cake on Kevin’s blog and I thought Alexis gonna challenge making this cake. Though, you did it, WOW! Such a fun to see the process. Thank you for sharing the video!
LOL… that was COOL! I really loved the video, the cake, and you. Great job! And your house looks wonderful too. I am looking forward to your next videos…
Good for you Jennifer! It looks awesome! Hey “JTR”, nice way to give positive encouragement! Who cares what it looks like compared to anyone else?!?! She did it for her daughter because she loves her, not to impress you or. Geez…cut her some slack for at least doing something nice for someone else and following through on what she promised! I don’t even have kids and I know it’s important to do these special things for them! Have you nothing nice to say? Jerk!
Dd you recycle the Orange cake layer into a trifle with fresh strawberries and whipped cream?? Or did you bring it in to the office for paulie or did you you you throw it out or make crumbs for the birds??
Holly backhanded compliments Batman! You are creating great mother daughter memories. She will look back and smile! I am attempting the cupcakes this weekend with the girls I volunteer with. Funny, that clip about the pound cake for Alexis with the pillar candle in it for her B Day. My mom and I were both sick on my B. Day. 2 weeks later I got a slice of pound cake with a candle. I want a rainbow cake too! BTW, You look fantastic!
You did a great job. I was going to try it but it looks like way too much work. Maybe I’ll do 3 layers and 1 batch. Your a good mom I hope your daughter appreciates all your hard work. So tell me did it taste good?
i see you are perpetuating the family tradition of raising spoiled, demanding jappy princesses who get whatever they ask for – – the idea was supposed to be a cooperative project to bond over, not mommy make me a cake just because, then splitting. really gross.
That was a really cool video. The music took over your voice a bit. What made you decide on that song? Well, I liked it and the cake looked like it would have if I’d have made it. I’m much more into the cooking than baking thing. Thanks for sharing.
The cake could have been made smaller-follow Whisk Kid’s blog(she was on Martha and showed how to do it) Jennifer, that was so much are a sweet mom!
I second Cindy. Whisk Kid is where I originally saw that cake. I loved the video and seeing you bake, but I had to turn it WAY down because, at least on my end, the music was almost deafening if I had it at a volume where I could hear your voice. Cake looked great though!
You are a great MOM !
The cake looked great and it appears you are a decent baker. You looked so thin and pretty in this video.
Looks sooo good! Great job Jennifer.
Your daughter sounds like my daughter. She just did the same thing to me a few weeks ago, only she asked for rainbow cupcakes, which I think were probably a lot less work.
You’re such an awesome MOM!!
Love it!
The cake looks very challeenging to make but you did it! That’s great and by the way you look wonderful like you lost a good deal of weight. And you should always bake with diamonds and a Cartier bracelet. All your rings look great on. Amy
That was quite a rainbow. Love the disco music and Cartier bracelet, by the way :>
Oh snap the cake turned out great! I bet it was fun to eat. and for some reason and I am not sure why… it makes me think of Jen and the Holograms… not Rainbow Brite like it should ha ha ha
Love the video skills and the rings! And I do like the straight hair but you really can’t underestimate a great blowout, and when it comes to your hair I do have blowout envy!
Also music suggestion of the week: Amanda Blank
Great cake. Great hair. Great Cartier bracelet. Great kitchen. Great iMovie.
Jennifer, I know you lost some weight. I can see it in your face. Good for you! Love you guys! I am trying to learn imovie, too. I posted a video on fb of some dolphins we saw out in the gulf of Mexico when I went fishing with my husband. Love the show!
what a nightmare it must have been to make this cake! If you are not a baker, start out with something easier next time. I love to bake and I can’t imagine going through what you just did. I hope the final outcome tasted good.
Jennifer – love the hair! You look great
Time to remove that dated wallpaper! Ask Alexis to help with a home makeover!
kudos on your look, cake and video edition! Really liked it!!!
It’s so sweet of you to make that cake for your daughter just because she asked (my Mom would never go through all that trouble). It’s a great memory she’ll have for a lifetime.
Now, THAT’S a cake!! And you did a great job on the video — really enjoyed watching it.
@ JAR, I do have kids and no I dont say “how high” when they say jump………….. My kid hear “no” more than they hear yes from me. IMO , If I were Jen I would have made my daughter sit through that whole process so that she would have learned the hard work that went into making the finished product. To me the cake looked a mess, to a child it probably looked like the best thing ever!!! I did give Jen credit and think she does a great job with making short films. I have a BIG adversion to hair and food, so I always get freaked out by that.
Jen, I would have picked different music. Like music from the Willywonka movie . You may not be able to use that though. And, for some reason, and it might be just my PC the voice was very low and the music was very high?
Thanks for posting I was so keen to see the finished product after the initial post!! It looked great and I’m sure your kids had lots of fun eating it!! Well done Jennifer xo
Jenn,I saw this cake too on kevin’s blog,and thought it was great but a little overwhelming.But I’ve made cakes for my kids and grandkids,shaped like colorful caterpillars and magician hats,with bunny rabbit cupcakes inside,so after watching you,I’m ready to tackle this one.Great job!
You look so skinny! Looking beautiful! Great “A Star is Born” music too.
Bravo! and you’re looking great
Jennifer there were three cakes to be had!!!!. Why on earth did you not slice each tinted layer into three thinner layers and make three smaller rainbow cakes???. Honestly , the amount of money you spent and the fact the daughter didn’t call a friend to help out and– you could have bargained/bartered their help for a cake to be sent home with her — the friend. Please why did not anyone offer this suggestion before hand??. Anyway did you make a cooked flour icing for the cake? The cake pans are awesome — the layers baked beautifully but the simple act of eating a “slice” became a monumental task. in my estimation!!!
Loved the video. You do look awesome. Who is singing that music?
Jenn, forgot to mention, love the song playing with the video, one of my fav’s.. hearing that sort of made my day…And yes, looking at your face now, compared to the first episode of whatever martha,you’ve lost a lot, and look great. But heavier or thinner, you’re still a wonderful,strong,caring,loving,woman and mother…
Jesus Christ – I’m trying to secretly watch your video at work…had to turn the volume to Max in order to hear you talking, and then the effin’ music comes blasting through! Scared the crap outta me and all my co-workers. lmao
That cake is a LOT of work..good job. Nice video too – lots of new skills and you look great!
Wow – good for you. What a nice memory and your daughter helped! Great video – you rock!
Ive never heard that song before ……….. who is that Kenny Loggins?? Sounds like music from the Love Boat……
Great job…you did it without acting stupid, giggly and silly…nice.
WHOA! Cake is made with LOVE obviously. You’re a great Mom. But you look amazing!!!! Keep up whatever you’re doing!
Your jewelry is fabulous!! Shush Jappy Oy! Wow, whenever you do actually bake, you BAKE. Go big or get out.
Very cool Jenny. I just went to Michael’s to buy the gel colors so I can make this cake for my rainbow-obsessed daughter’s birthday this weekend. Thanks for making the video!
Wow! That’s a tall cake, but very cool. What flavor is the cake?
That was so effing cute!
So real!! Love this!! Looks like the way I would have baked it – not made perfectly but filled with love!
The irony of your baking blog being right next to the queen of baking is hysterical in an of itsself. But dont you change a single thing about it. Im sure many can be intimidated by what Alexis pulls off, but the balance that youve provided here for them is a good thing. Its quite endearing and adorable to see your video next to Alexis’s works of art. and Brian0523, I laugh everytime I read your comment and think about that music going off at that volume at the office ………….
i LOVED this video – GREAT JOB!! and the music was awesome, too!!! but audio not that good when you are talking . . .
Alexis should share some baking tips with you. Also, the music is obnoxiously loud.
I am dying here after watching that video. I love the way the counter is a mess, your hands are a mess, your hair ended up pinned back and you seemed glad it was over. Very authentic! Not that I don’t appreciate how clean and precise and tidy Alexis is when she bakes/cooks, but it’s nice to see the polar opposite!
I’m turning 30 this weekend! YIKES!!!! I want a rainbow cake too!!!
Jennifer-love your blog. I say it all the time-you are a natural beauty!
Yippy…Yippy…Jen! Looks good to me! Lucky daughter!
Great Job, Jennifer!! I just may have to make a rainbow cake soon…And, by the way – LOVE your hair straightened and off your face. You look very pretty and natural in the video.
Good for you! There is no way in hell I would have made that cake – you’re a star for doing it and it looked great.
Wow that was tall!!! What a lot of work, but your daughter will remember. Take a picture of it so that you can show her when she tells you that you don’t care or weren’t there for her.
OMG……next time, tell your daughter you will make her a cake with rainbow frosting and just frost the cake with differnt colors. That could not have been more totally oposite to what Alexis turns out of her kitchen…….you mananged to make a cake that looked hard to eat and not very appetizing at that………. But you accomplished so much in the department of things you do because you love your daughter so much and will never do again…………. good work.
you look SO PRETTY!
Great job! There is no way in heck I would have been able to do that. I just know that cake would have ended up flying out the window half way through the process. I hope your daughter loves it, but maybe just not so much she asks for it again!
the hair was making me nervous in that video. next time put it in a pony before you work in the kitchen. At least you’ll look the part…………i do give you credit for having the clip in it, but a clip and a pony next time………… the price to pay for having long hair…………
WOW – insanely amazing cake – you are a GREAT mom!
Great job on the cake, saw it on Kevin’s blog. And, the video was really fun with the music + subtitles!
or more appropriately I should have said it was a great cake, and you are an insanely amazing mom :o)!
Good one Jennifer..Hope your daughter liked it.
Super ugly, ultra gaudy, extremely tacky jewelry.
The straight sleek hair looks so much better. Makes you look thinner and younger!
Way to go, Jennifer! I saw this cake on Kevin’s blog and I thought Alexis gonna challenge making this cake. Though, you did it, WOW! Such a fun to see the process. Thank you for sharing the video!
LOL – Well done!
That flat ironed coiffure rocks, sooooo much better than than your 1960’s Dippity-Do look. KUDOS!
Cake looks great! You look better than great!
The cake looked fun and delicious! And you are look FABULOUS!!!!!!
Wow! You/re the coolest mom!
LOL… that was COOL! I really loved the video, the cake, and you. Great job! And your house looks wonderful too. I am looking forward to your next videos…
You look great, Jennifer!
Just showed that cake to my 5 Year old son now I have to make that this weekend!!! Your a great MOM!!!
Good for you Jennifer! It looks awesome! Hey “JTR”, nice way to give positive encouragement! Who cares what it looks like compared to anyone else?!?! She did it for her daughter because she loves her, not to impress you or. Geez…cut her some slack for at least doing something nice for someone else and following through on what she promised! I don’t even have kids and I know it’s important to do these special things for them! Have you nothing nice to say? Jerk!
what a nice thing to do for your daughter!
Love it! Thanks for sharing! Huge Cake. Your daughter must have been so happy.
you crack me up!
My ears! MY EARS! Had to turn it up to hear your voice and then the music would BLARE. You get the “Good Mommy” award however.
great job, love the cake! you look amazing, skinny & pretty
WOW – that was some cake! Kudos for you to take the time to make it – what a good momma!! It looked really tall though – how do you serve a slice?
Jennifer…thank you for the video blog! Great to see you again and it was fun watching you bake!
Pardon my french, but fuck JRT and Jappy Oy….never will understand why people expend energy on breaking someone down, no matter how petty. Pathetic.
Fantastic!! My boys, 20, 21, and 24 still request homemade birthday cakes. I’m so glad I took the time and effort to make them special cakes!
You look so skinny. Keep up the work outs!
Now, THAT’S a cake!! And you did a great job on the video — really enjoyed watching it.
Dd you recycle the Orange cake layer into a trifle with fresh strawberries and whipped cream?? Or did you bring it in to the office for paulie or did you you you throw it out or make crumbs for the birds??
good job! looks so yummy
and I really like your hair that way, cute…
Holly backhanded compliments Batman! You are creating great mother daughter memories. She will look back and smile! I am attempting the cupcakes this weekend with the girls I volunteer with. Funny, that clip about the pound cake for Alexis with the pillar candle in it for her B Day. My mom and I were both sick on my B. Day. 2 weeks later I got a slice of pound cake with a candle. I want a rainbow cake too! BTW, You look fantastic!
You did a great job. I was going to try it but it looks like way too much work. Maybe I’ll do 3 layers and 1 batch. Your a good mom I hope your daughter appreciates all your hard work. So tell me did it taste good?
That was fun and you look GREAT! BTW, I forgot how much i loved that song…gotta go and buy it on Itunes now:) Enjoyed the video:)))
OMG you look amazing. What’s your secret?
did you see the many colors cake on martha this week.
not as high as yours….I think they did one batter and divided among 6 pans.. check it out…
Why did those post dates all get messed up……..somebody scrambled them on you………
Love the video. Great work.
i see you are perpetuating the family tradition of raising spoiled, demanding jappy princesses who get whatever they ask for – – the idea was supposed to be a cooperative project to bond over, not mommy make me a cake just because, then splitting. really gross.
Why are you even part of this blog…you rarely post anything.
That’s a lot of work! Quite a cake!!!!
Liked the Kenny Loggins soundtrack.
That was a really cool video. The music took over your voice a bit. What made you decide on that song? Well, I liked it and the cake looked like it would have if I’d have made it. I’m much more into the cooking than baking thing. Thanks for sharing.
The cake could have been made smaller-follow Whisk Kid’s blog(she was on Martha and showed how to do it) Jennifer, that was so much are a sweet mom!
Wish I could see the video…not sure why your stuff never comes across on my end.
What kind of cake mix did you use?
Don’t hate math! Don’t say you hate math (especially in front of girls). w/o math how would you have baked that cake and shown your daughter the love?
Thanks so much for posting that…what a creative, thoughtful and wonderful mom/person u are!!!Love the cake…now my son is gonna want one!
OMG, that cake was HUGE! That was hilarious, Jen.
Wow. That’s a REALLY big cake. Nice.
I second Cindy. Whisk Kid is where I originally saw that cake. I loved the video and seeing you bake, but I had to turn it WAY down because, at least on my end, the music was almost deafening if I had it at a volume where I could hear your voice. Cake looked great though!