book i used for recipe is slim and scrumptious.
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by Jenny 76 Comments
book i used for recipe is slim and scrumptious.
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Great job Jen! I don’t eat chicken, but if I did… You look really happy.
Thanks for the recipe! BTW, you look ten years younger than you did a year ago! Note to self: Skinny makes you look younger. Congrats!
Maroni Pot… love it ! Oh how I love Dana Carvey’s Broccoli Song… She’s buying brocoli, She’s chopping broccolay !!!
You know this greek style yogurt you refer to — the greek government is going to start suing people for the improper use of the word greek== because they owe so much money and need to generate income– so I would suggest you say thick creamy yogurt. Okay sit down and listen take you favorite brand of low fat PLAIN yogurt yes plain the stuff with out the SUGARY Fruit you can add your own dried fruits and save money Oh Take the plain yogurt dump it into a fine si– the lack of water makes the greek style yogurt thick and creamy but you can make your own!!! investing a little time to develop and eliminate the excess water and presto change o you have that expensive yogurt. Also a food processor would chop your vegetables also I suppose ther are two schools of thought brown the chicken a little at a time first that is not dumping two ponds of chicken in the pan Because browning the chicken a 1/4 at a time in the dutch oven would develop the fond the brown bits of concentrated flavors that build up on the bottom of the pan also then you take the browned chicken out in and contine the process untill all is browned anyway then the vegetables I suppose you could even use two pans one for the vegetable to speed the process up and then combine into the browned chicken bits dutch oven I mean how many of us have a dutch oven perhaps you show could give a dutch oven away to a lucky listener why isn’t martha there to help you cook she should give you girls a script a script the situation comedy is a catering service and it could star you and alexis and well …..
your video is just what I needed! Hubbie & I started the South Beach Diet today (we did a few years ago with great success). You look fabulous and inspire me to shed my extra pounds! Thank for the cook book tip too! That chili looks delicious.
Cool video, but the background music is incredibly annoying.
Oh my god! You look so EFFIN’ skinny!
Jen, you look FAB-U-LOUS!
Jennifer, first let me say you look marvelous. Whatever you’re doing, it’s working for you. Second, I just made chiken chilli on Sunday, (my own recipe) wish I would have waited one more day, then I could have tried yours. I will next time, it really looked good,,,,
Jen–YOU look geat. So nice to see that enthusiasm I know U have. Chili looked good also.
Now get out to the garden and get some shots for us.
Hey Yogurt Maker–get a fricken LIFE
OMG, that was funny………..coming from and Italian that never sprays a pot with oil, but pours from the bottle(slim or no slim) ……… Ok, my big quesiton, and maybe I didnt see it, but where were the onions?? With all those other vegtables and garlic I would have thought onions as well for any chili recipe.
you look great!
whoa. u thin. congrats. wear skinny clothing now, not fatty stuff,
you are so fucking cute!!!
The recipe looks awesome…and you look great! An (unsolicited) note for you about your video recordings for the future: A) the music you used competed with your voice and it was difficult to understand you at times. Also B) it is obvious you are looking at the web screen (at yourself) instead of the web camera lens. You also do this with video cameras looking at the screen of you rather than directly into the lens. It looks odd…(and as Simon Cowelll would say, a tad self-indulgent) Just trying to be constructive….
You look great – but the music is distracting. I can’t even listen to the recipe.
You look beautiful.
And the chili looks delicious.
i had to pause this several times to see where that annoying music was coming from. its intolerable to watch while the music is on. but you do look great.
Why do the pictures on your side never show up?
Thanks for the video Jenn, the chili looks fantastic!
Jenn –wow you look terrific!!! Your video is fun and fun to watch and fun to see you enjoying yourself.
You look so good and SO HEALTHY! Congratulations.
lookin good Jennifer!
wow, you look 20 yrs younger….I mean the chili looks great, but YOU look incredible, what have you done? A face lift? you look so different than a yr ago. Oh yea, and I WILL try and make the chili too :-}
hahah…entertaining video! You look great, Jen.
thanks for the tip.
i was trying to not look at myself. i shoot with a macbook… i kept trying to make sure i could see what i was doing in the screen so you could see too..
but yes sometimes i did catch myself and feel dorky!
and i edited down so much. didnt know if youd (anyone) would want minutes of chopping/stirring/blending..etc.
i am having fun learning how to edit/use imovie.
the music thing is tough. i love background music…finding the right stuff not so easy!!!!
thanks for being interested.
The chili looks great and talkig about looking great wow you look amazing keep up the good work on working out and dieting…
i love these videos . . . you look beautiful – the hair looks great!
You look terrific!
Also, it’s probably bad, but as a chef it was killing me to watch you hold a knife. I totally wish I could teach you some knife skills-makes cutting, chopping, etc way easier.
Great, looks good..but every video blog you make is annoying because of the background music. The music is good but is always so loud I can hardly understand what you say!! I cannot enjoy it!
you look so good!!
great video. you are glowing. so nice to see.
You look Mahvelous!! I really enjoy your videos and I agree with the other posters that you look so young and happy!. I want whatever you are having so I can look like you too! Keep the videos coming!
You did look so small in the video. I’m not sure I like the recipe, though. Hate blue cheese. Also, don’t get the veggie and tomato JUICES. Why not crushed organic tomatoes?
Jennifer, you look amazing! Would you mind posting the recipe or a link to the recipe?
You look great! Kill the crap music and then murder the yucky wallpaper behind you!
great video Jennifer!! gonna have to try that book because I have an obession with cook books lately!!
Are you sure there is no onions in this chili???
You look maaavelous! Wow! Nice Chili!
Chicken chili? Please post the recipe.
did i miss where the recipe was posted? i would love to have this recipe!
LOVE the video blogs! I have no critism what-so-ever! You look wonderful too! Yes indeedy you do!
Maybe pick some music without lyrics next time. You sure do have some funky taste in music……….Soundtracts might work, but Im not sure how the copyright stuff goes with all that. You looked like you were working up a sweat at one point there………Again, you know I would love to see you in a pony when in the kitchen. You looked great without the big tent swearter………
As ususal Jennifer you are delightful as was your video. I like the quirkyness of it that others found annoying. But I will agree with them on one thing, you look fantastic. …….wonderful accomplishment. Keep up the good work. I bet adding green peppers and onion would improve the chili without adding too many calories. And thanks yougurt Maker for the tips.
Greek, Schmreek! Definitely get a life, yogurt Maker. A Dutch oven is just a large pot, for JHC!!! Jen, you look as cute as a button. The recipe looks good, too.
You look fantastic! I agree with Gen, you really do look a lot younger. I enjoyed this video, you are just too cute!
Keep them coming!
YOU look slim & scrumptious!
any beans in that recipe? I didnt see the beans or any onions………
Great hair Jenn!!
Just a suggestion…either get rid of the music or mic yourself. The music is distracting and I can’t hear your voice. Thanks!
jennifer – you look beautiful!
Why do you look at the camera and widen your eyes like that? Weird.
You look really great. Thin and gorgeous!
Please no more backround music. Your pretty voice is enough!!
You look like white trash next to Alexis. Is that your intent? Do you hope it makes people like you?
The music on the video is too loud. I can’t hear you speak.
Hmm some of your posters Jennifer, have lost the sense that this is a social media. It seems that harsh remarks aimed at a posters which has time to post a paragraph or two is often. Accosted. I do believe the typists that posts of one sentence with grammatical errors which fail to have subject verb agreement and a dangling participle or two are surfing the internet at a place of employment . Due to watchful eye of boss blog comment is short. Perhaps, because they do not own a personal computer nor can they afford the internet monthly fees.
OMG! You are so beautiful. Your skin is gorgeous. Your hair is devine. Your eyes are fascinating. Your jewelry is obsene. Your husband is hot. Your teeth are white. Your personality is glowing. Your chopping skills are to die for. You’re so creative, talented, smart, and funny. You are so tiny in this video, I could barely see you.
White trash? Wow, nice to call people “trash” white or otherwise. You really suck. Jennifer, what a fun way to post a recipe. You and the dish both look great. I’m glad you’re having a good time! xooxox
You look great, happy and healthy!
Those who post short comments have something concise to say, unlike you, who rambles on incoherently. Speaking of grammatical errors, you should go back and proof your own post before criticizing others’.
Wow! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new hair extensions!
Your kitchen looks very outdated. I see an upgrade in your future very soon!
How about a another baby?
Fat friend, skinny friend: Exploring the friendship taboo Has anyone noticed (or imagined) that people prefer you when you are fat? Why is that? Especially those people who claim to love you the most. Maybe it is because the positive changes you are making are perceived as a threat to your friends/colleagues? Or to the status quo? Or, maybe it is because when you started feeling great and empowered you suddenly became obnoxious? That’s unlikely … but I guess it could happen. Maybe it is change that people fear. Perhaps your fat friends feel like you won’t love them anymore when you are skinny and feeling great; they pull away from you a little at a time in order to keep themselves protected. I am really curious about this dynamic. I think it impacts our ability to be successful at making healthy changes. Could you take a minute to respond to this inquiry? Let’s be candid with each other and provide examples and/or details from either side — as one who has lost weight and felt rejected and as one who has quietly rejected a friend who has lost weight. Being rejected for making positive changes is not necessary, but we need to handle it well. Let’s clear the air here
@Kitty….you always have to find something to bitch about. I’m sure her kitchen suits her fine. Let’s hope you don’t have nine lives in your future you fugly pussy cat.
Yeah, the wall paper and back splash looks outdated.
You have the sparkling personality of the girls in my class who I lusted over when I reached purberty. Sounds pretty raunchy but that was supposed to be a compliment.
Looking 20 years younger Miss Jennifer-you’ve cooked yourself thin.
Awesome Jennifer – you are the next Food Network Star.
You are ADORABLE!!!!!!!
layer like regular LASAGNA
bake same way it is yummo!!!
If I ate chicken I’d say that looks like a great dinner, but mostly I’d like to say to you how really amazing you are looking. So I truely hope that you will wear a bathing suite this summer and not cover youself up in a long skirt or dress, only in sun block.( Please no repeats of falling asleep in the sun.) You are doing just great and this time it seems you are so dedicated that I think you give others an incentive to inspire to get their mind set to get their unwanted weight off. It’s great Jennifer just great. Keep up the good work and just think that soon you will be eating all that wonderful fresh garden veggies you have growing in your yard. Would you do me a favor, only if you want but I love to see all your big rings, if they still fit, this fan and I seem to think others, would love it if you would please put one on each finger and post a picture (maybe you don’t have enough fingers) but I bet most of them don’t fit on the same fingers that you wanted them to, which is a “good thing.” Yes I know it’s an odd reguest people but I too am a lover of jewels as i’m sure many of you are as well and I thought it might be funny at the same time lovely to see all lose big showy baubles Jennifer wears even when she cooks. So if you please, please post, if not I understand and really hope you will continue to cook with them and I bet you exercise with them too, maybe, but do continue to stay on track of your diet and exercise regimen. You also look really happy and I am really glad for you. Amy (OMG and this was all over a low fat chicken dish, LOL.)
I’m a little late to the party, but Jen you look awesome in your video! The weight loss looks great on you and does indeed make you look younger!
thanks for the video but what is with the wall paper on your walls omg
You look like a million bucks! What kind of video camera are you using? Oh and I must make that chicken chili!