lots of laughs today in the livestream.com/justjenny room- i was in there live for a long time before i made today’s video..which has a lot of “bounce” in it… lol. watching it back before i post always gives me some pause…
regardless, people watching the livestream broadcast (see livestream app on side of my site) were teaching me to pose sexy- pictured is @liner00 ‘s screen shot. it was FUNNY. clearly i am really not very adept at posing sexy.
but it is fun to do something out of my comfort zone!
i think at 41 playing sexy feels as good as actually being sexy!
and my gd. it is fun to not take myself seriously. i have always been uptight.
used to be so hard for me to let loose but now letting loose- even for an hour, just feels right.
do you like to let loose!?
is sexy ok and a possibility after 40?
here is today’s bouncy tales from the treadmill!
thanks again for all of your questions/comments/requests… please keep them coming!
come to the live in studio karaoke contest september 21, 2011 sirius/xm radio! if you want to participate, please email whateverkaraoke@gmail.com and say in 100 words or less why we should select you to participate in the karaoke show! officials rules found here!
SiriusXM Radio and Whatever with Jennifer Hutt is hosting a Karaoke Event on September 21, 2011 in our SiriusXM studios in Manhattan and giving friends of the show the chance to win the chance to sing and be a part of our fabulously fun day.
Attendance is extremely limited. If you think you will be in the New York City on September 21, 2011 enter between 5PM ET September 2, 2011 and 7PM ET September 14, 2011, for your chance to win a pair of tickets to perform at our first Karaoke Challenge!
PRIZE: There will be a limited number of winners who will be chosen based upon who can tell us in why they should receive the invitation to compete on Whatever with Jennifer Hutt’s Karaoke Challenge.
Each pair of tickets, a $0 value.
» Send an email to: whateverkaraoke@gmail.com
» Include “Karaoke Challenge” in the subject line of your message or it will not be considered;
» Include your full name, valid email and cell phone number.
» Tell us, in 100 words or less, why you think you should receive an invitation to compete on Whatever with Jennifer Hutt’s Karaoke Challenge.
See our Privacy Policy at siriusxm.com.
Jennifer will personally read each entry and pick the winning submissions. Not all entries will be read on the air. Judging is based solely upon the best stories she feels should attend the Karaoke Challenge. Each winner may bring one guest.
SiriusXM Radio will not be providing transportation to/from the event. You must be at least 18 years old, and confident that you can be in the New York City area on September 21, 2011.*
*If you are selected to attend, you will receive a confirmation email with the details of the event and further instructions. Only people who have received this second email (and have been confirmed by SiriusXM Radio) will be put on the guest list and will be able to attend.
ODDS: Winners determined solely by Jennifer Hutt’s personal judgment. Judges decisions final. Your odds of winning depend upon the number of entries received. This giveaway is being advertised on the Sirius XM Martha Stewart Living Radio channel on Channel 110 on Sirius and XM and on the justjenny.com.
be sure to check out all of my tales from the treadmill and now my livestream channel as well (when i am live then click on livestream arrow in box below the chatbox!)
You speak openly about anxiety…which I love and think will help so many people especially b/c we live in a time when Facebook makes people think that everyone’s life is “perfect.” Have you ever taken any medication for anxiety?
Will u be doing an audiobook version of whateverland? I think that would be really fun to listen too!
Hi Jenny!
Favorite nail polish brand?
Weirdest personal habit (that you can share with us! )
Biggest pet peeve?
P.S. I’m no vampire! But I’m a bad-ass stay’er upper!
We know you’re time zone now Mandy. Your staying up late skills aren’t THAT bad-ass.
Such a lie
Newsflash: you are NOT sexy whatsoever. Your audience cheering you on consists of obese cretans who would not survive one day in NYC. Your boobs looks like deflated tires, saggy, baggy, droppy flaps. If you are so headstrong about piggishly revealing your cleavage at least have mercy on your viewers and consider breast augmentation.
Also, you are not an authority on ANYTHING to be offering advice to people. Seriously, do you really think you are in a position to be making suggestions to anyone when you are a complete mess yourself???
Your live cam is just another “look at me” drive for attention…such a narrow, limited range of interest you have, making for a very shallow, self absorbed excuse of a person.
“Newsflash: you are NOT sexy whatsoever.”
Many people disagree, and so do I.
“Your audience cheering you on consists of obese cretans who would not survive one day in NYC.”
As opposed to whatever audience you have? And nice generalization, those are always accurate.
“Your boobs looks like deflated tires, saggy, baggy, droppy flaps. If you are so headstrong about piggishly revealing your cleavage at least have mercy on your viewers and consider breast augmentation.”
I’m not sure how many 40 year old women you’ve met, but IMHO Jenny would be near the top of any list you could compile in the looks department. And in addition to that, I’m guessing that she is a better person inside than you will ever be.
“Also, you are not an authority on ANYTHING to be offering advice to people. Seriously, do you really think you are in a position to be making suggestions to anyone when you are a complete mess yourself???”
She fully admits this, but it is an age old hobby with many women in this world if you haven’t noticed. She never claimed to be an authority.
“Your live cam is just another “look at me” drive for attention…such a narrow, limited range of interest you have, making for a very shallow, self absorbed excuse of a person.”
Do you understand, in the least bit, how marketing works? The whole business could be described as a ‘look at me’ call for attention. Why don’t you turn your ‘keen’ observational eye inward and ask why you feel the need to shit all over a person that never did anything to hurt you.
Gopackjo, you may want to change your Twitter handle to Captain Awesome between this post and your hysterical jingle.
“Craig” just needs to crawl back under their rock.
Well said, Gopackjo!
Your comments are completely laughable. Maybe spend a more time shitting all over Jenny, who you obviously know nothing about, and instead focus on that prick you see in the mirror— he’s seems to be the one in dire need of some self-reflected honesty and desperate (mental) attention.
I think Jenny is a very smart and sexy woman who is proud of herself, and has way more confidence in herself than people half her age do, and rightfully so.
She is in a very good position to be giving advice, because she has so many life experiences, and has heard many more from all of her listeners over the years. Im not sure where you get that she is “a complete mess”.
As far as her “drive for attention”, she works around the clock trying to better herself, her website, her radio show, and make herself available to the fans that love her so much. She completely deserves her large fan base.
gopackjo pretty much said it all.
but i have no understanding of people who watch things they don’t like. simple…don’t watch.
i have survived in NYC and its clear that you don’t even understand what sexy is. sexy is not just hot boobs (and from my distance hers look pretty good) sexy is an attitude…which jenny has. It seems like you feel left out and thats sad for you. just because you are lonely don’t take it out on others.
why don’t you get the courage to post a picture of yourself on the site and include your name.
I Love you jen, craig is a dick.
“Headstrong”…”revealing your cleavage”… I thought you were in a coma, Warren Jeffs! Get back to raping little girls while hating grown-up women for existing.
Ahhhhh you would make such a good Ariel!!!
As always, thanks for the show/ the website… always lightens up my day!