ps: thank you again and again for being so good to me. all of you!
Blog Home of TV & Radio Personality Jennifer Koppelman Hutt
by Jenny 36 Comments
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So are you relegated to just TFTT now? Will that be the extent of your career now?
hopefully ill be on another channel on siriusxm. maybe a different time of day etc but trying to figure something out.
Don’t bother, just go back to your hubby and kids in LI and give us all a rest!
Merry Xmas to you too Frank the Scrooge
Amen to what Frank said – GO HOME.
You are THE most boring, shallow, vapid, superficial, clueless shell of a person there is. Who wants to see a fat chick show off her cleavage on a treadmill? Get a clue! you’re gross!
sorry you think i am gross. and yup. i used to be fat. but thankfully not fat now. i work hard and go on the treadmill so i am never fat again. boy it is NOT easy!
Why are these people even watching your videos or care what your doing if your so horrible? Its really sad someone would be so nasty to another person. Hope they feel better about themselves.
Wow what ugly people if they don’t like you why are they listening and on your website. hope you get your show on a different channel.
Just gotta say I find it so amusing that someone who claims to hate you even bothers to come to your website. Says a whole lot about the kind of person they are. And if that doesn’t spell out LOSER, they have to prove it by leaving an ugly comment.
In the world today where so many people are being adult enough and kind enough to step out and try to end bullying of children and people in general who don’t fit their ideal standard, it’s just a shame that someone who feels real brave hiding behind the internet feels the need to try to make someone else feel bad.
Love you Jenny and I don’t need to hide behind a fake name.
I wish there was a like button on here…I agree
I love how you take the “high road” on the negative comments. I enjoy your positive attitude. Whenever I get discouraged during every day life – I try to think of your great attitude and I strive to have your outlook! Thanks for not letting people get to you! Thanks for being you !
So when are we seeing naked pics of you Jan…
So why come here and be so nasty? Pathetic.
That was for Jan, not you Jennifer!
Jan- why do you waste time reading Jenny’s blog if you think she is so gross?? What pleasure do you get from telling someone, who you don’t know, that they are gross,fat,boring, shallow, vapid, superficial. Maybe you should GO HOME and mind your own business. I feel sorry for you. Posting this message has probably been the highlight of your day/week/month. How about you read a blog written by someone you actually like?!
Be well, Jan! I hope you find some happiness in your life from things other than making nasty comments on a strangers blog/website.
I find it interesting that people who don’t care for you, spend their ‘valuable’ time on spewing hatred. Is that really what their lives consist of? Going on a lovely person’s website and saying such vile things? I am so sick of negativity. Jenny, you are obviously taking the high road here and responding in a polite manner. Kudos to you. But it really just baffles me how someone can feel this way towards someone they have never met and have the nerve to write these things. One thing I am pretty sure of, it’s easy to hide behind a keyboard anonymously and be rude. Shame on you Jan and Frank. And get a life. Now I am going to go off and be a happy and positive person. Like Jenny.
Seriously? I find it interesting that people ar leaving hateful comments telling you to GO HOME. I mean why don’t they just change the channel if you so “boring and gross.” Dear Haters, EPIC FAIL!!!! Dear Jenny, keep doing what you’re doing. You are great and clearly you aren’t that boring beause these crazies tookk time out of their increedibly busy day to insult you o and they are apparently still listening. <3
Ok sorry for the typos. Got a little fat fingered apparently. lol
why do you acknowledge these wastes of life j-hutt… This is your website, certainly not a place anyone has to go to against their free will, but these walking piles of shit came here expressly to be jealous and then make themselves feel slightly better by pretending the fact that you can walk on a treadmill and people will watch is a bad thing or somehow reflects poorly on you. If either of these bloody anal tumors with a keyboard got on a treadmill i’m sure people would stare directly into the sun against all their animal instincts rather then looking at their pale gelatinous anti-social skin ripple against the most minimal of physical efforts. You owe them nothing, certainly no recognition, just give them a “hi hater” wave and enjoy the fact that you are inspirational enough to inspire seething envy.
you are WAY too nice to these cunts and dicks on your blog who insist on leaving mean comments. their comments say WAY more about them than they do about you – they have NO life b/c they read a blog of someone they dislike. mean people suck. don’t give them a forum; stop allowing their comments to be posted.
I just need to respond to these haters out there. I feel really sorry for whatever happened to you during your childhoods. Clearly, you are very unhappy people. Oh and if you have so much time on your hands to write nasty things, please talk to me. I have so much laundry and I could really use the help. Keep on treadmilling Jenny!
I’m very sorry people are poop and I hope you can take it for what it is. You were wonderful fat. You are wonderful thin. You are wonderful just because you are you. And you are not gross and have no need to apologize to someone when they call you that.
Wishing you all the best!
I think us Opie and Anthony listeners were less harsh.. Weight loss is a motherfucker. Maybe Jenny’s story was inspirational to some fat bitch out there.
Me, me, me…I was that “some fat bitch out there”!!! Actually, still there but 68 lbs down!! Fuck the Danas and the Jans! Funny how her attitude changed towards Jenny once she got skinny…I think Alexis felt threatened.
Wow, 68 pounds is awesome! GO GO GO!
If y’all hate her so much why are you on her blog?
Dana, Frank and Jan-suck my taint you douche nuggets. I’m totally confused as to why you mental giants don’t like Jennifer, yet you take the time to go to her website, watch a video, click on the comment button, type in your name etc… and then type a comment. Wow, you must do back flips and try to self suck yourselves for someone you really like if you waste your time going through those steps for someone you don’t care for.
You are an evil troll and since my life is empty, I lurk here for days waiting to insult you. So now I gotcha. Ha! Who’s your daddy now troll? By giving my life meaning, I win. Suck it beeotch.
Jenny– You are gracious. Kudos to you for rising above.
Dang u guys are harsh get a life! Jenny you are awesome i dont understand why people are so rude to you but you keep doing what your doing because your fans love you <3.
Jenny, you’re wonderful. I just wonder why people who don’t like you troll on your blog. I hope the show finds a new home. I’ve been with you since the beginning and wish you all the best. Haters just mean you’ve made it.
Dana, Frank, and Jan…
I sort of feel sorry for you three. The fact that you intentionally log onto Jenny’s page just to taunt her and hurt her feelings is sad and pathetic. If you don’t care for her, her show, or her TFTT, don’t listen and don’t watch.
And Jan calling Jenny fat… Come on… Look at her – she is obviously not fat. You know her weight is a sensitive subject and you just said that to try to hurt her. Why would you want to hurt someone you don’t know?
I hope whatever it is that makes you act out like this someday remedies itself because having the need to behave like this is a horrible way to go thru life.
Happy Holidays!!!
Well said Sandy. And PATHETIC is the missing word I was looking for in my post.
I totally agree! well put.
Hey you guys — we have yet ANOTHER forum where we support Jenny — come to and check out the section dedicated to Jenny. We don’t tolerate losers who have nothing good to say. Just love and support! Sign up and see you there!